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                                        J O U R N A L 0.7


          "Harry," I droned, whilst trudging the both of my feet along the cemented sidewalk. "are we there yet? We've literally been walking for 30 minutes now."

          Harry and I were currently traveling by foot to his flat; it was supposedly our only choice since he'd forgotten to bring his vehicle along. The night was setting in rather quickly and I made sure that Harry was alongside of me. If anything bad decided to occur, I could either sacrifice Harry or use him as a shield of some sort.

          Harry chuckled softly, replying, "Océane, we've only been walking for 10 minutes."

          "That's not the point." I groaned.

          "Don't worry, we're almost there. It's just a block away—"

          "A block?" I roared, not meaning for my tone to become vociferous with him. "Harry, can you at lease carry one of my bags? Some of them are starting to weigh me down."

          Harry shrugged, nodding. "Sure." I swiftly slid my backpack off, a breath of relief following afterward as I handed it to Harry. I watched as he hoisted the hefty backpack onto his back with such requiescence, his curls not failing to bounce around in a frenzied state as they always did.

          There was an awkward, compressed silence before I decided to voice my thoughts. "I remember you saying you like to read, right?" I looked up at Harry who had furrowed his eyebrows, hesitating before nodding. "So, what kind of books do you like? What genre?"

          "You're a curious one aren't you?"

          I sheepishly smiled. "Sorry! I was just wondering, because I-I like to read too and I thought we would have common—" 

          "I was pulling your leg, Océane. You're absolutely fine. I don't mind the questions, especially when your moving in with me."

          "Thanks for understanding, really." Harry smiled in return of my statement. "Answer my question now."

          "Ah, I don't know." He replied, shrugging. "I like books without overused plot devices. After a while, you get bored of the same 'ol same 'ol. Lower class girl fancies upper class boy, the two enemies that develop a secret love for each other, and then love triangles—those are the worst. I like a book with an original, yet insane plot twist. I've only read a few books like those. I'll read whatever I can get my hands on. It's just not often I find something I can thoroughly enjoy." He heavily exhaled after his lengthy explanation. I absolutely admired how he took reading so seriously, it was almost—sexy? I felt the temperature of my face rising at my slightly inappropriate thoughts. "So, what about you?"

          "I like a good book with a powerful moral to it and I absolutely love it when the book makes it challenging for me to figure it out. I love a good challenge. It exercises the mind well." I gushed, growing excited as we conversed more about the topic. I've always love reading and just talking about it gets me so excited, so elated.

          "Do you usually figure them out?"

          I nodded. "Yeah. I'm not the type of person to easily give up. I don't know, I just love thinking. Just sitting in a comfortable silence; lost in your thoughts. It keeps you occupied."

          "I'd rather write mines."

          I glanced down at his journal which he was grasping in his right hand, dying to know what contents were inside of it. I pursed my lips. "Yeah, I've noticed."

          "I have like a mini library in my room. It's where I do most of my reading or once in a while, I'll sit at the kitchen table." Harry told me. "Maybe I could show you some of the books I have if you want."

          I smiled, nodding. "Yeah, I would love that."


a/n: hi, hi.

finally i updated!

a massive ty to the people who have been reading. it seriously means a lot to me. xoxo

i'm so sorry that i'm making this go a deathly slow. i suck lol.

do you guys like this story so far?

stuff starts getting good in the next chapter, i promISE.

pls vote & comment, ty.

stay swaggy. xx

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