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a/n: hi guys! i apologize if this update sucks or doesn't meet your expectations. i honestly worked my hardest. this chapter will be kind of cutesy i suppose. i hope you enjoy! oh and excuse the bad google translate, hahah.

                                        J O U R N A L 2.0


          Harry and I had parted our ways after two consecutive hours of watching TV and behaving in an idiotic manner with one another. Harry was on the verge of falling asleep on my lap when I pleaded for him to retire to his room and he reluctantly complied whilst planting a moist, sloppy kiss on my cheek.

          Now I was currently in my room, sprawled out upon my bed, and breathlessly conversing to my mother on the phone filling her in on all the events that occurred today.

          "Hey mom," I greeted gleefully. "guess what?"

          My mother replied with enthusiasm coating her tone, "¿Qué?"

(¿Qué?  What?)

          "So, I tried out of the Prancing Tigresses this year!" I told her as I heard a vociferous gasp from the other line. "They were recruiting at the college and I decided to tryout again!"

          "Mi bebé! That's great! How'd you think tryouts went?"

(Mi bebé! → My baby!)

          A triumphant grin blossomed unto my face as I replied, "I think I did pretty good. I have a good feeling that I'm going to actually make cuts this year. Mrs.Rita says that she's going to call some of us to tell us that we've made the team."

          "Amazing!" My mother cheered causing me to quietly chuckle. I love how she's so supportive of almost plurality of the things I do. It makes me feel as if I can do anything. "Did anything else happen?"

          I nonchalantly shrugged whilst suppressing my grin from expanding further. "Well, yeah. I got asked out by an extremely, hot guy after tryouts."

          "¿Qué? Hablas en serio?" 

(¿Qué? Hablas en serio? → What? Are you serious?)

          In an gratified manner, I nodded. "Yes, mom. I am very serious."

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