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a/n: i feel as if this chapter is not the best and i'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations. also, this chapter is quite long and eventful. so i hope that you all will enjoy it! x

                                        J O U R N A L 1.7


          "Au revoir Harry!" Francesca squealed as she started for the classroom's exit. "Vous ne pouvez pas attendre de vous voir ce soir!"

(Au revoir Harry! → Goodbye Harry/ Ne peut pas attendre de vous voir plus tard! → Can not wait to see you later!)

          Harry grinned replying, "Au revoirJe ne peux pas attendre de vous voir non plus!" I rolled my eyes at the pair as they both parted their ways. Since when did Harry decide to start taking an interest in Francesca?

(Au revoirJe ne peux pas attendre de vous voir non plus! → GoodbyeI can not wait to see you either!)

          A sudden shriek tore through my throat as a familiar yet obstreperous voice boomed into my ear, "Adiós, Océane!"

          "Joder!" I quickly turned towards Louis with a grimace already plastered unto my face. I found it humorous how a warm smile was prominent on his face as if he didn't just obnoxiously holler into my ear almost deafening me. "Dios, Louis! Me has asustado!"

(Joder! → FuckDios, Louis! Me asustaste! → God, Louis! You scared me!)

          Louis sheepishly smiled whilst replying, "Mi mal. Te veré después." I waved to him as he exited the classroom most likely heading over towards his next and final class. Followed after Louis' departure, small clusters of students began filing into the classroom; some conversing louder than others as they took their seats.

(Mi mal. Te veré después.→ My bad. I'll see you later.)

          Zayn then enters the classroom; held in one hand is a sketchpad whilst in the other is his backpack. "Hey, Océane. 'Sup Harry."

          "Hello, Zayn."

          "Hey," I greeted whilst glancing up at him. "I need to talk to you after class."

          Zayn nodded replying, "Alright." He strolled back towards his assigned seat which was situated next to Sarah, who happened to be grinning at his arrival. 

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