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a/nupdate woo woo !!! upcoming cheekiness from ya boy harry here, lmao. i have an important note at the end. so please read it and tell me what you think. thank you !!! & enjoy you guys x                        

          J O U R N A L 2./ important note at the endplease read!


          [ 2 weeks later ]

        It's been two weeks since Mrs.Rita told me—well Harry—that I've made cuts onto the Prancing Tigresses dance team. So far, the experience has been beyond amazing. I've been working extremely hard, everyone (minus Francesca) has been very kind, and Mrs.Rita has been less belligerent, well towards me at least. She's not picking out every little flaw that I perform which is a blessing from the heavens above, because do you know how embarrassing that is?

        Everything has been tying together very well these past, two weeks. My grades are pretty decent which is quite surprising, practices (minus Francesca's murderous glares here and there) were delightful, my relationships are all up to date and on track. Into a certain crevice, I know deep down something—anything—is waiting to ruin everything and I know that when the time comes, I definitely won't be the cause of it.

        Speaking of Francesca, she's been awfully silent whilst I'm around. It's not just any type of silence either, it's that 'I'm-planning-to-ruin-your-life' silence. All she's been doing is consistently glaring at me and it's getting—not entirely—but sort of nerve-racking. I'd rather her just say something out of line so that I can retaliate, rather for her to gawk. I can't say nor do anything if she's just staring.

        Harry and I were currently pulled into the parking lot of the studio since I had practice. I had practice everyday except for Sunday which I really didn't mind, because I wasn't doing anything too important, but studying, working, or hanging out with friends.

        "Thank you for driving me Harry," I gushed grinning whilst hoisting my Nike sports bag onto my shoulder. "I really appreciate it. I'll see you later." I leaned in for a peck on the lips, but Harry appeared hesitant. I frowned. "You don't want my kisses?"

        Harry seemed perplexed as he replied, "What—no! I mean, yes! Of course, love." He leaned over and gently pressed his lips against my own causing butterflies to erupt in my lower tummy and goosebumps to arise. His hands commenced roaming and groping everywhere and it felt beyond amazing. I honestly didn't want him to stop, but I had practice...okay we had fifteen minutes to spare. They could wait a damn minute. The kiss itself was becoming heated which in fact, I did not mind.Harry then started to speak between our sloppy kisses. "I just wanted to know if I could watch you...practice, but I didn't know...if I could."

        Our lips parted from one another's as I breathed, replying, "Yeah, of course, but Fran's probably in there."

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