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a/n: this chapter is quite short and i apologize, but its kind of explaining how harry feels about océane. the next chapter will hopefully be longer and more things will be taking place. x

                                        J O U R N A L 1.4


          I did a brief, but hesitant once over on him before replying, I'm Océane, also one of Harry's friends. I just moved in with him not to long ago."

          "So, you're his girlfriend?"

          I snorted muttering, "I wish."

          "What?" The boy—Louis spoke sharply, seeming displeased for whatever reason. "Anyways, where's Harry? I want to see him."

          I gestured back towards the living room replying, "He's in there. I'll go get him." I slightly tilted my head backwards so that I wouldn't yell directly in Louis' face. "Harry, come here!" A short, compressed silence had lingered in the air as Harry didn't respond. "Harry!" Still no response and I sighed, forcing out a smile. "Sorry about this. I'll go get him—physically."

          Louis nodded replying in a sardonic tone, "You go do that." I closed the door and started for the living room to go get Harry.

          "Harry—" I walked into the living room only to stumble upon a sleeping Harry. His journal was placed ajar on his lap with the pen in the crevice of it, concluding that he was just writing inside of it. Harry was inclined into the couch whilst the both of his arms draped across the top of the couch, his head hung over.

          I gingerly tiptoed over towards the couch and took a seat next to him, ready to wake him up from his slumber, but the journal placed on his lap told me otherwise. I mean, it was already open basically welcoming and begging me to read over what he's just written. It wouldn't hurt to just skip ahead a few entries, right? I slightly nodded agreeing with my tempting conscious. It would be interesting to know what he writes about in the present life rather than in the past.

          I peered up at him just to make sure that he wasn't stirring awake. Then without touching anything, I adjusted my head to read the contents of his journal.


          Today, I met one of Océane's friends, Zayn. He quite alright and I guess I like him. I mean, he seems like one of those mysterious type of guys, but I'm hoping we'll become good friends in there mere future.

          Their relationship together is really playful and close. I kind of want Océane's and I relationship to be somewhat like that. I'm attempting to be playful with her, but I'm not 100% sure if she's comfortable enough with me or my playfulness yet.

          I'm actually really honored that Océane introduced me to one of her friends. It makes me feel that I'm somewhat important, somewhat important to her. I think she has an ample amount of trust in me and the thought of that makes me strangely happy.

          But then again, this whole 'being nice to me' thing that Océane's displaying could be all an act. She could be doing all of this maybe because she feels obligated to. I mean, someone like her hanging or even staying with a fuck up like me? Yeah, I couldn't believe that what she's doing is all genuine, but at the same time I do. I feel like she really cares and understands me. You know, it actually feel rather nice to share a home with someone, knowing that you're not completely alone.

          How did I manage to stumble across someone so kind, funny, and not to mention gorgeous? I'm being completely honest here, Océane's way hotter than Lydia and Holly. I mean, her personality is so fucking great, I love it and her look are just a bonus. 

          I actually find myself staring at her a lot and yeah, it's kind of creepy but I seriously can't help myself. Océane has this long, brown hair that cascades all the way down towards her lower back and most of the time it's curly at the ends. She always wears hair accessories in the shape of a bow and I think it's really cute. Then, her eyes are this pretty brown and I notice they always twinkle when she's elated or excited. I also noticed that she hardly blushes, but I'm trying my best to make her do so. Her smile is so pretty and big and that laugh of hers is so loud yet contagious; it's adorable. She always wear clothing that shapes her figure in all the right places, like in all the right places if you're catching my drift. Oh, and she always wear heels or wedges which I think is really sexy.

          Anyways, I have a strong urge to hug her really tight and thank her for everything. Océane's been so great to me and I literally don't know what else to say, because she's so amazing. God, I sound like a fucking school girl but I honestly haven't felt like this in a long time. 

          This was a really lengthy entry, but I've never fancied a girl so much and I just need to talkwell, write about it. I obviously couldn't tell Océane herself, because that would be stupid and I'd die of absolute embarrassment. I just know that she's really special to me and I hope she stays. x 


a/n: hi, hi!

i've updated finally, yay. 

sorry if the chapter seems a bit rushed or whatever. it wasn't my intention, but i hope you guys liked it!

did you guys like this chapter? tell me! 

vote & comment, pls.

and stay swaggy. xx

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