Chapter 18 - Feelings

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Ashley's POV
So after Zac hanged up, I went to my fridge and grabbed some juice and popcorn and I turned the television on. Because I think, my conversation with Vanessa will be a very long one..

As I settled on my seat, I got my phone and called Vanessa. She picked up on the third ring.
-Phone Conversation-

"Woah, someone's in a happy mood. Let me guess, You missed me." I said jokingly.

"You bet I am happy. Technically, yes, I do miss you but it's not the main reason."

"I'm just joking with you. Of course I know who made you like that. It's Zac right?"

"YES.. AHH! But how did you know?"

"Well, let me tell you the signs. From your post, 'Love the view' and now, your squeals and screams means your overjoyed and I know, there's only one person, I mean one guy, who I know is also there on that very same place with you, who can make you that happy. And after all these years, there will always be that one guy who can make Vanessa Anne Hudgens happy like she's the most amazing person in the world. And that guy will always be Mr. Zac Efron. Am I right or I am right?."

Vanessa's POV
Sometimes, I hate it when Ash is always right about everything. It takes away the challenge or the fun out of it.
"Yes, your right. Again. As always."

"Oh come on V, I already saw it coming."

"And why is that?"

"Because before I called you, I called Zac first."

"WHAT! You called him."

"Yes, I called him."


"Because, he's my best friend too, you know."


"V? Are you still there?"

"Yeah. Still here. Can't believe you called him. So what did he say."

"Ohhh someone's interested."

"No I'm not. Okay maybe a little."

"I knew it!"

"Okay Soo tell me."

"Sorry but I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because whatever he says to me is our secret."

"How about me and my secrets."

"They're safe too."

"I hope Soo."

"Uhmm, V? Can I tell you a something?"

"Sure Ash, what is it?"

"Uhmm, I just wanna say is that, If you still love Zac, don't make him wait too long for you to say yes to him again. And if you don't love him anymore, don't make him feel like he still have a chance to win you back. Your both my bestest friends and I don't ever want to see both of you getting hurt. Okay?"

"Okay Ash, I promise."


"Uhmmm, Ash? Could I tell you something?"

"Sure V, anything."

"Did Zac told you about our 'almost' kiss?"

"Yeah. Soo cliché by the way."

*taking breathes* "I kinda uhmm did that on purpose."

"What?! Why?"

"Because I'm still, technically, in a relationship with Austin and I don't want him to think that I am cheating while he is also 'getting back' on me. I want to come clean when I break up with him."

"Oh my Gosh. You're breaking up with Austin?! Is it because of Zac? Tell me it's not or tell me it is."

"It's not completely Zac's fault. I fell out of love with Austin and my heart keeps telling me that I'm soo naive with my feelings for Zac."

"Ohh, it's really getting somewhere. Wait, hold up. So you really want to kiss Zac that moment?.."

"Yes Ash. Soo badly. I just want to say to him that I still love him and I want to have our second chance before I'm too late, before it's too late. Would you help me?"

"I knew it, I knew it! You still love him!! Finally!! Of course I'll help you. Team ZANESSA all the way."

"Haha. By the way, I miss that name."

"And for sure, this time, you will never ever get tired hearing that name over and over again."

"Will he take me back?"

"Oh come on V. You know and I know that Zac's feelings for you didn't change through these years. Actually, his love for you becomes stronger every day."

"Soo what will I do?"

"First things first. You got to break up with Austin. Then, you make your plans. Then maybe, by the time your ready, just tell him how you feel. Piece of cake."

"Easier said than done."

"Oh come on, I will be right next to you."


"I promise V."
Then someone knocked on my door.

"Hey Ash, I think someone's at the door. Till next time. And thank you."

"Ohhh, who you might think it is? Thank you? For what?"

"Ohh shut up. It can't be him. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could never have."

"Well, you don't have a choice."

"Haha. Bye Ash. Love yah."

"Love you too. Toodles!"
I hanged up. I went to my door for me to see who was it. Then when I opened it, all I found was a letter at my doorstep. When I picked it up, I read who was it from. It was from 'Mysterious Letter'. Oh no! Oh no! I forgot to reply on the other letter 'Mysterious Letter' gave me. I hope it's okay with him/her.

So after I closed the door, I went to my bed and opened the letter. It says, 'Hi Vanessa. How's your day? I haven't heard from you since my last letter. Even it was just a few hours ago. Are you alright? Well it's okay. Don't think that you should reply on every message I send you. By the way, I know you want some clues. Well, okay then. I will give you some. First things first, I'm a guy. Surprised? You never thought a guy could write a girl a letter. Well I'm flattered. Could I ask you a question? If it's okay. My question is about your post, 'Love the view'. Would you please enlighten me which view your referring to. Well, have a nice day Vanessa. Hope to see you around."-Mysterious Letter.

Oh he's a guy. One clue is not enough. I need a few more clues. Wait. Hold up. Did he just asked about my post? Should I tell him? I think there's no harm in telling him. I think he's a nice guy. If he has bad intentions, then he might already show it. Right? Don't get me wrong, I love Zac but I think I have a slight, only a slight, crush with 'Mysterious Letter'. Well, I just write my letter to him tomorrow. Its been a very long day. And tonight, I will have a smile on my face when I go to sleep. Thanks to Zac. One day Zac, I'll let you know what I truly feel about you. But not yet this time. I'll deal first with Austin. I hope your feelings for me will not change when I get there.....

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