Chapter 13 - Lost

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??? POV
As I was heading back to the hotel, I saw Vanessa leaving the restaurant and started walking the same path I was walking. So I stayed close behind her and after 10 minutes, she entered the same hotel I was staying. I still followed her to her room and I noticed that my room is in this same floor. Then, she entered on one of the rooms and I can't believe that....

-end of Recap-
That her room is just right next to mine. Is it Destiny or it is just Fate? Whatever it is I'm happy that's she's here. I went to the front desk and asked if they knew that my room was next to Vanessa's.
"Sorry sir but we keep things private."

"I'm just making sure. So please may you answer my question."

"Okay fine. Yes sir. We knew that your room and Ms. Hudgens' were right next to each other. Is there a problem?"

"Why didn't you tell me."

"Because, firstly, you were the first one to booked in our hotel in room no. 215, 2 days ago than Ms. Hudgens, who booked room no. 214, 2 hours after you called. Secondly, as I mentioned before, we keep things in private because there are also celebrities who also booked here to not cause fans to swarm over them and for all of us to be safe."

"You're right. Well, thank you for your honesty and information. Have a nice day."
-End of Conversation-
I went inside my room and laid on my bed. Now that I knew where I can see Vanessa I figured to make another letter for her. So I got a pen and paper and started writing. Once I was done, I went to Vanessa's front door and left my letter there and knocked. Then, I hurriedly went back to my room and slightly closed the door to make sure that she got my letter. Then I heard her door opened. After a few minutes, it closed. I went out and checked if she found my letter and to my surprise, she did got it. I went back to my room and sat on the couch and my heart was jumping for joy.. There was a big smile on my face. Its been so long since I last felt this way..

I woke up the next morning on the couch. I can't believe I had fallen asleep. I got myself ready and went out. I locked my door and walked towards Vanessa's room. I think she's still sleeping. Then, I noticed there was an envelope on her door step. I picked it up and read what's on top, "Whoever you are, This is for you, 'Mysterious Letter'".

I think this is for me. So I took it and went to one of the restaurants here. As I took my seat by the window, I opened the envelope and started to read what's written on it. While I was reading it, I was smiling and thought that 'Mystery Letter' is a nice nickname for me. After all, through this letter is my only way to talk to Vanessa without her knowing that's it's me she is talking to.

She already wants to know my identity and she wants to meet me in person already. I still want this conversation to last long. I don't want it to end so soon. Once I was done reading, my food arrived and I started to eat. While I was doing that, I started thinking of words I would like to say to her. Then, i got a piece of paper and my pen and started writing. Once I was done, I finished my meal and asked for my bill and I paid right after.

So I went upstairs and stood in front of Vanessa's room. I took a deep breathe and inserted my letter through the bottom of the door and before I go, I knocked to make sure she'll notice my letter. Then I left. I decided to go to the gym to maintain my manly body. After all I kept eating this past days, I need to burn some fats.

I can't believe its been 3 hours since I got here. I was lost in my thoughts again. I kept thinking about Vanessa and all of the strings attached to her. I am really an idiot when I made those mistakes. How I really wish I could make it up to her that's why I'm doing this because maybe I could make it up to her even a little bit.

As I was done, I left the gym. When I was walking past the front door, I bumped into someone. I was sure I bumped into a girl. We said sorry at the same time but I didn't saw her face because I was really lost in my own thoughts and I am not myself today.. So I just kept on walking while she entered the gym. Then I stopped infront of Vanessa's room again. There was no reply yet to my letter. I kept standing there for about 5 minutes and I went straight to my room, laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I really hate this feeling. I turned the TV on and I laid on the couch. I kept browsing the channels until I just leave it on the news channel. As usual, it's all about the weather, and the people who does bad things in this world. Until the news was about Vanessa again.....

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