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I sat on the wooden fence waiting. I texted my best friend asking if she could pick me up.

I'd been on a bad date and my cheeks were stained with tears. The guy there had left with his ex girlfriend after she'd come over to our table and dragged him away.

I texted my best friend pleading her to pick me up, not wanting to explain to my parents. As soon as it sent my phone died. Great.

The tears flooded.

My heels had been deserted a while back, broken from the walk into the country for a desperate attempt to get home.
The dress I wore soaked from the passing rain and my hair dripped.

Tears stained my cheeks and my eyes burned red.

I heard a a truck pulling up.
I recognised the red bumper and smiled weakly. But the driver wasn't my best friend.

"Hi" he said.
In fact it was a guy.
"Hello?" I said, an explanation in order.
"I'm y/f/n's cousin, I'm staying for a while. She asked me to come because she's twisted her ankle.

I sighed annoyed that I had to get in a car with this stranger, but I didn't have a choice.

"Okay" I said bluntly, walking round to the passenger seat.
"I'm chandler by the way" he put out his hand to shake. But I just smiled back awkwardly.
"Y/n" I replied.
"I know. Well I mean uh- y/f/n told me"
I nodded my head to avoid conversation.

The car trundled along through the city streets until we made it to the country dirt roads. This was home.

I rolled down the window and let my now dry hair flow out of my face in the wind.
I hadn't even heard the music turn on but I found myself singing along with chandler.

We turned the corner and I was faced with the long road leading down to
y/f/n's house. I sighed not wanting to tell her what happened.

Chandler tensed his arms and turned the wheel, the truck followed but instead of carrying on it stopped on the side of the track.

"Come on" I turned and watched chandler get out.
"Get out" he smiled and held open my door.
"What are you doing?" I leapt down.
"I'm not doing anything... We on the other hand"
"Alright smart guy. What are WE doing?" I laughed as he began to walk.
"We are going on a trip" he jumped over the wooden fence that surrounded a field. Y/f/n's field.

I sighed and followed, clambering over the fence bare foot.
"Thanks a lot" I grumbled falling a little on the last plank of wood.
Chandler just turned and smirked.
"You look a state." He took off his leather jacket and handed it to me.

We reached the edge of a wood and my skin began to crawl.
Chandler was going to kill me.
I watched him walk on, he'd had a backpack on and I hadn't even realised. He was going to kill me out here.

I turned and ran, towards the car. Away from him. My legs sped faster and faster, not stopping for anything. My head became a blur and I lost all hearing. That was until I hit the ground.

My ankle stung with pain and I scrambled in an attempt to get away. Hopping along I turned to see Chandler slowly making his way across the field. He knew I was hurt and that his chances of killing me had grown.

I got hold if the wooden fence and pulled my body up against it.
Closer and closer he got.
My ankle gave way once more and I fell again to the cold ground.

My burning face met with the damp grass. This would be the last thing I'd feel. Tears ran down my cheeks as I pulled my legs close to my chest and held myself in a ball.

I was going to die. A young girl, all alone. Probably in hell. I'd done bad things, now this was revenge, now this was my punishment.

I cried and cried, giving in to him.
His body towered over me, his soft face being one I'd regret ever seeing. Ever agreeing to get in the car.
I'd regret going out. Regret not getting a taxi. Regret even walking the distance with him.

I held my eyes tight. They refused to open until it all ended. I held my breath taking in a last breath...

I felt string arms lift me off the grass. My head slung back and bobbed up and down with every step these arms took. My weary eyes fluttered open. Chandler.

I had no energy, if he was going to kill me now I wouldn't fight back. This time there was no point. His eyes were fixed on something in the distance as we walked. His beautiful blue eyes.

Why must a killer be so beautiful and tender yet, murderous and evil.
He looked down make saw me watching him. A smile washed over his face and his gaze became soft. I was trusting in this smile. Surely someone who possessed such a smile wasn't capable of doing bad things.

I woke. A long time after. My legs no longer worked and I was in a bed, not one that I really recognised. My head stung as I lifted it to look around the room.

Suitcases and clothes strung around. I looked down and I was in a large shirt. No pictures of people or family hung up. But I looked to my right, and there sat Chandler sound asleep on a wooden chair.

He didn't want to kill me. He let me live. This was y/f/n's spare room and he had looked after me all along.

I wanted to go to the bathroom, so I pulled my legs over the edge of the bed and heaved my body up. As soon as I stood, I fell. Crashing to the carpet next to Chandlers feet.

He woke with a start.
"Y/n?" He grabbed my head onto his lap, collapsing to the floor next to me.
He stroked my head.
"Y/n, can you hear me" panic grew in his voice.
"I- I'm ffine, really" I croaked needing a drink fast.

He lifted me slowly to my feet.
"I'm so sorry y/n, you ran off last night. I think I scared you"
"The knife" I flustered. My voice coming to me steadily.
"I can explain" he coughed and began telling me.

"When you were standing on the side of the road, you looked pissed to say the least. I wanted to help you release your anger on something other than me. So I remembered the woods and how some of the trees have scratches in them, I had the pen knife in my car for emergencies and well I wanted to let you take it out on a tree. Lame really."

I sat in silence letting him speak.
"Why?" I asked when he'd finished.
"Why did you want to help me"
"Honestly. Y/n you are beautiful and from what y/f/n tells me. Smart, brave and funny too. I know its not even been a day. But y/n I live you."

He began to walk out the room.
"But I get it." He added. "I could be a murderer for all you know".
He turned to go.

"Wait!" I called the best I could.
"Chandler, I love you too. You cared for me when no one else did and that means everything. You tried to help and I just jumped to conclusions. I love you too chandler"

And with then he picked me up from my bed, held me straight. And kissed me.

I lost myself in his lips. It felt like nothing I'd ever felt before and that meant so much. He held me like a child. His arms protecting me and I knew from that moment that he was never going let harm come to me.


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