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I was a nervous flyer. Always have been. But I leapt higher than a plane when I found out I'd be going to rome with my school, not only that my best friend was coming with me. Cai!!

But then. Planes. Panic. And lots of pills. Not in that way no, just anxiety ones and I had to take them well before.

We were all packed and ready and waiting to board the plane. The fear began to set in and Cai took my hand, squeezing it as he did.

We took our seats on board and to my despair, I wasn't aloud to sit next to Cai, something about reserve booking.
I wasn't even sat by people from our school. Just a random boy from this private place! Great.

As the plane started up I began to shake.

You okay? The boy beside me asked.
I will be, thanks. He looked away but I could see a bit of worry in his eyes.

He looked over as we started to move onto the runway, and gave me a reassuring smile.

Truth is... He whispered.I'm pretty scared too.
I'm not- I stopped when I saw his face. He already knew and I'd scared him now.
Don't be. He said.
Then, he held my hand and we began to move.

I held tighter and took deep breaths. After it was all over I let out a small sigh of relief.

Thank god. I said. I hate taking off.
I'm not sure anyone particularly likes it! The boy laughed.

It took me a couple seconds to even realise I was still holding his hand, quite tight too.

I'm sorry I said removing my hand.
It's okay. He was lovely and comforted me the whole journey.

But soon the flight ended and he held my hand again as we landed, but this time as I took my hand away sheepishly. I found a slip of paper enclosed in my hand.

I smiled at the boy, chandler? I asked reading the name above the phone number.
That's me he replied. Y/N I told him.
Text me y/n, I wanna hear from you.

I blushed and left the plane. It was a shame, with my luck he probably lived on the other side of the world.

I met back up with Cai and told him everything that happened.
Get on it y/n I just laughed.
I don't even know where he's staying let alone where he's from, I'll never see him again. Bet you.

A twenty minute bus ride later and we had the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted. There was an odd number of girls on the trip, so I was in a room on my own. And to be honest I liked it.
Cai was next door and he just came into mine for the morning.
Then he decided to unpack his stuff and leave me to it.

I began to take all my stuff out and realised a fatal problem. My sunglasses, chandler had taken them on the plane and now I have none.

I grabbed some money, there was a store down the pier so I thought I'd take a walk and find some. Just as I got my key and locked the door, I heard a group of boys coming down the hall. I tried to hide my face, in case they were from my school.

They went past, except one. Who stopped at the door across mine.
Y/n? I heard a familiar voice.


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