Chapter 1

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I smiled as Jason grabbed my hand tightly.

"I love you Aubry." He said, we were only 15 and just started going out. I looked down to hide my face.

"I love you too, Jason." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I can't wait to spend forever with you Bri." I looked away again. Forever was a long time, too long, and I also didn't believe in forever as too many people left my life.

Jason kissed my hand and that's when I felt something cold being slipped onto my ring finger.

I gasped as my eyes collided with a small band. It had a small diamond heart in the center with 2 tiny square diamonds on either side.

"J-Jason, what's this?" I asked looking over at him.

"It's a promise ring Bri, I promise you forever." He said pecking my lips gently. I smiled and nodded.

"I love it Jas. Thank you" I said as tears fell to my cheeks.

"No need to thank me Bri, it's yours and always will be only yours."

The class bell rang shaking me out of my thoughts.

Tomorrow will be 2 years, and Jason and I are still strong. I looked down at my promise ring and smiled.

I packed up and walked to my locker. I was the quite girl, yet I got a lot of glares by passing girls because I was the girlfriend of the star of both the football team and basketball team.

Many girls wanted to be in my shoes, and we're jealous that they weren't, they were also upset because I was the one keeping him from the "let's hook up once" group the whole sports department had going.

"Word is Jason's going to sleep with you since tomorrows the big 2 years." My best friend Sam said throwing her long red locks behind her shoulder.

"Hi to you too Sam." I said opening my locker to throw my books in there taking out the one I needed for my next class.

"Why are you not making this a big deal?!" She stared at me for a while and then her eyes went wide.

"You guys haven't slept together, right?" She hissed out.

"No Sam, Jason promised that he's not going to push me into doing anything. It took me 11 months just to give him my first kiss, remember? It might take 5 years before we sleep together." I laughed out.

She shook her head, but before she could say anything else Jason was by my side.

"Hey babe. Samantha." He said glaring at her.

"Jason." She shot back just as poisonous.

I really didn't understand why they didn't get along, they've known eachother longer than I've known them.

"Hey Bri, I'll catch you at lunch I have to do something im-por-tant-e." I smiled at her Spanglish and nodded.

"'Course Sammy." I started tugging Jas in the opposite direction to the cafeteria.

"So word is your trying to "hook up" with me." I stated sarcastically while sliding a curious glance in his direction.

"Of course not. Remember babe, I'm not going to force you." He said sliding his hand nervously through his hair.

"Unless you're ready, than sure." He said looking almost hopeful.

"No Jas. I'm not ready. I love you, but I'm not ready at all." I said looking down.

"It's okay Bri. Go to a party with me instead were going to celebrate the first game, weather it's a win or lose, but I know we'll win seeing as my good luck charm is going to be there." I agreed and with some convincing he agreed Sam can tag along with us.

It was the end of the day, and Sam decided we should go outfit shopping so tomorrow all we had to do was get ready to leave after the game. I agreed with her, and now we were in her car riding to the mall.

"So I talked to Jas today." I said looking over at her.

"Umhmm, same as everyday." She laughed sarcastically.

See this is why I loved Sam, cause we could both say something that was considered rude to someone else, yet it was like an inside joke between us two.

"Yeah, but we talked about the rumor today." She shot me a glance that told me to keep going.

Some how I managed to tell her about the party, but not the rumor.

"He said he's not going to force me." I said proudly. She nodded but kept her eyes on the road.

The rest of the way was silent, and even though it was comfortable I couldn't help but wonder if Sam had doubt in me.

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