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I paced back and forward hearing the slight thump my heels made with each step I took.

"Bri, everything is ready, all we're missing is you." Sam said cracking the door so she can slip in without anyone seeing where I had decided to hide. She noticed my pacing and ran up to me. Slowly she opened her little clutch purse and pulled out a small square of bubble wrap. I smiled at my best friend,  she knew exactly what would calm me down.

"Thanks." I mumbled wringing the noisy wrap in my hands.

"You sure you want to do this?" She asked. It was at this point that I actually took in her apperance. She looked absolutely beautiful in the champagne colored dress I picked out. It hugged her every curve amazingly, and since it ended at the knee it showed off her nicely tan legs. Her and Nathan just returned from their honeymoon, so she was more tan than usual, but it went well with her. She decided to switch things up and dye her hair black, but none the less she was worth every stare and more.

Slowly I nodded my head yes and she smiled.

"Okay just like we rehearsed. Everything is going to be great." She said bouncing out the room, her thick ringlets of hair bounced along with her. Once she was out of the room I sucked in a long breath before looking at the mirror in front of me. My hair was pulled up elegantly with two small curled strands falling at each temple. My dress was heart shapped and it wounded tightly at the waist only to flare into a Cinderella type style bottom. I bit my lip and rubbed my palms against the gorgeous gown. The door was pulled open and in stepped my dad.

"Ready to get married hun?" He asked as he helped me adjust the front half of my veil. I smiled and nodded as I linked my arm in his. I couldn't speak as we walked over to the doors that held my future only a few feet away from me. Slowly I drew in a shaky breath and nodded yes allowing the helpers to pull open the doors seperating me from my friends, family, and future husband. I was taking short, rapid breaths when the music started and I took my first step down the alter.

"Breathe sweetie." My dad whispered. I nodded and tried to slow my breaths. I could hear the gasps as I started with more fluid movements, but my eyes were locked on these amazing blue orbs and I could careless about my surroundings. I knew I was ready to marry him no matter what happened in the past, I was ready for my future with him. Finally after what felt like an eternity we were only inches apart. He took a few steps toward my dad and I to close the small gap. My dad leaned over and pulled my veil back reveling my eyes and kissed my forhead before taking my hand and placing it in his. I could see those intoxicating ocean blue orbs staring into my soul as my dad looked him over.

"Take care of my baby, son." Was the only thing he said before stepping away from us to sit with my mom in the front row. As we moved back to the front I looked over at my 3 bridesmaids and smiled. Bae and Ari looked so stunning and I almost couldn't believe it was them. They smiled crystals forming in their eyes as they watched me move up to center of everything his hand in mine.

"You okay, Aubry? " He asked nervously. I think he was as nervous as everyone else, about me getting cold feet again, but this time I was sure in my heart.

"Yeah, I'm fine Handsome." I said with a smile, he smiled in return before turning his head to look at the guy who was gonna marry us and nodded.

"We are gathered here today to join the lovely couple before me...." I really didn't hear much after that as I got lost in the deep oceans of blue, until I heard the dreaded words, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." I looked around the room hoping he wouldn't be seated in the crowd among us. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky. He stood his angry eyes locked with mine.

"I object. "He spat. This mysterious him was my ex-boyfriend and ex-fiance. The guy I left at the alter before I decided to get married to the man who's fingers are linked in mine.

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