Chapter 8

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"I have a surprise for you." Andrew said as I hopped into his car.

"No more surprises. You kissing me infront of the whole school this morning was a big surprise." I groaned remembering all the gasps and gossip that floated around us after his lips left mine. I didn't mind the kiss, I actually enjoyed it, but the gossip did bother me a tad bit because once again it was all false accusations.

"I wanted people to know you are mine." He laughed out. I rolled my eyes, but the smile still played on my lips.

"So what's this surprise?" I asked curiously.

"If I tell you it's not really a surprise huh? Oh and is it okay if you miss the rest of the day?" He looked over at me with a wide smile.

"Andrew should I worry?" I asked both my eyebrows shot up.

"No babe." He said with a wink making my heart flutter.

My eyes started to drifting shut after 20 minutes on the road. "Waddles, baby, get up." Andrews voice leaked excitement as he planted kisses on every inch of my face.

"Umm-kay." I mumbled not moving. I giggled as he continued his attack until I opened my eyes and stretched.

"C'mon babe." He said taking my hand in his. I smiled as he pulled me out of the car.

Ahead of us was an open meadow, there was no houses in sight, just rows of the greenest grass and colorful flowers of every type. There was also a large tree a small distance from the car, and a lake out in the distance. The light from the sun danced like crystals littering the top.

"Wow this is beautiful." I mumbled.

"Yeah I found it a while back on a drive, I figured I should give you one good date." He said running a worried hand through his hair. I laughed and intertwined our fingers.

"Handsome, every moment with you is perfectly amazing. We could be watching a re-run of a tv show and I'd enjoy it cause I spent the time with you. Although I like the date, I just love being with you." I said honestly.

"Really?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"Yes." I nodded and kissed him for reassurance. After he pulled back he gave me a breathtaking smile making my heart increase it assault in my chest.

"Thanks Waddles it means a lot." He said placing a blanket on the floor. I hadn't noticed he had a basket dangling in his hand till this point.

I helped him set the food out and laughed at how cute this all was.

"No, thanks Andrew. This is amazing."

We ate lunch and talked endlessly. It was amazing how we had only known eachother for about 4 months and were dating for 4 days, yet it felt like we'd known eachother for years. Everything felt so natural, yet so magical. Every touch, every glance I stole, every kiss we shared, just everything seemed better and better after the next.

I couldn't help but wonder where our future would lead us, and if it would be as endless as I had imagined. Slowly a smile made its way onto my face as I stared off into the distance. I watched the crystals dancing over the small lake laughing at how wild my imagination had become since Andrew came along.

"Why are you smiling Waddles?" Andrew asked caressing my hand.

"I was thinking about us." I said glancing at him my smile never faltering.

"You were?" He asked brushing my hair from my face. He gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek as he cupped it causing me to lean into his touch.

"Umm hmm." I mumbled as the butterflies rampaged my stomach.

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