Chapter 4

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I woke to the smell of pancakes and smiled. I ran down the stairs to see my mom dancing around the kitchen. My dad glanced up from the paper as I started dancing with my mom.

"Well someone's happy." He stated placing his paper down to sip his coffee.

"Yeah I like this Bri better." My little sister said sitting next to my dad. He nodded in agreement.

"What's gotten into you Bri? You've been so mopey lately after the whole break up." My mom looked at me and smiled. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah I have been, but I made a new friend who helped me realize that being all blah is horrible. He told me that I should save myself from being foolish now so I won't laugh at myself later." I smiled as I though about Andrew. I stole 2 pancakes and went to sit down and eat them.

"Oh, do I see a future boyfriend?" My mom said nudging my dad as she put a plate of fluffy goodness infront of him.

"Bri sweetie? Is your mothers intuition right?" My father said dragging his eyes to mine.

I thought about it for a minute. I really don't know Andrew, and to be honest a relationship was far from my mind since I was so hurt over this whole ordeal.

"No daddy. After the break up I realized I need to be alone for a little while, but it doesn't hurt making friends right? Besides I need a friend, wouldn't want to break up a good friendship for a silly relationship right?" I stuffed my mouth with pancakes as my father agreed and my mother argued that I was young, dating would do good. I left them to argue and ran up to my room to get ready for school.

By the time I was dressed and ready for school everyone had left. I looked at my watch and saw it was only 8, I had an hour to spare, but I decided to go and take a long route to waste time.

I opened the door to find Andrew standing on my porch fist mid air looking as if he were about to knock. When he saw me he dropped his fist and ran his opposite hand over the back of his neck letting out an awkward laugh.

"Umm Aubry, I was wondering if I could drive you to school today?" My eyebrows shot up and I laughed while his eyes met mine.

"Seriously? You want to drive me to school?" I asked in shock. His eyes held something that looked like nervousness and he looked so cute with the hopeful glim in his eye as he nodded.

"Okay that's fine. Come in, I'm gonna write my parents a quick note so they don't think I stayed if they come home for lunch." He nodded and stood awkwardly at the door. I laughed and shook my head.

"Make yourself at home I'll only be a minute." I went to the kitchen and pulled a piece of paper from the pad hanging on the fridge.

"Mom/dad, got a ride to school. Might be home late. See you later. -love Bri" I hung the paper onto the fridge with a magnet and walked back to find Andrew. He was looking at all the pictures we had on display on top of the fire place.

"Andrew I'm ready." I squeaked out,embarrassed that he found the bad pictures .

"Aubry I must say you were a cute baby. You were so chunky and so cute." I rolled my eyes and pushed him out the door.

"Hush this is unfair grounds. You have seen my baby pictures I say you cough up some of yours." I said locking the door behind me.

"Okay. We can do it after school. Oh and I think I have a nickname for you." He jumped in the drivers seat and I in the passenger.

"Oh this I have to hear." I said looking over at him.

"You are no longer Aubry to me, you are now Waddles." He said laughing at the end.

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