Chapter 16

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I waited patiently for the rest of the kids in my class to have their name called. I clutched my diploma in my lap with a cheesy grin on my face. To think that in a week Andrew and I are gonna be heading to Brazil for our 2 month 2 place vacation. I know its gonna be amazing and I couldn't wait. I sighed as much as I wished it was a 3 place vacation everything was already at budget limit, so we settled on Brazil and England leaving out Italy for another time.

Too lost in thought I hadn't realized the valedictorian had taken the podium again. Finally the traditional turn of the tassel and throw of the hat was over and we (the graduates) were released and the crowd rushed outside of the building holding us for 3 boring hours. I giggled as I spotted Andrew, our eyes collided and he opened his arms to show he was ready to hug me. Excitedly I unzipped my gown so I could run to him, and despite the restriction of my dress and heels I still managed to run pretty fast. When I finally reached him he snaked his arms around my waist, lifted me up and spun me in circles. Still in the air, I put my forehead to his and let our lips meet briefly.

"Hey my little graduate." He said happily as he placed me on my feet.

"Hey." I said breathy.

"You look beautiful Waddles. Did everything go as planned?" He teased.

"Yes everything went amazing." I couldn't help the smile that engulfed my lips as I saw Sam rushing toward us with Nathan in tow. She smiled and hugged me as the two brothers talked. After the hug Sam linked her fingers back with Nathan's and I mimicked her motion by intertwining my small hand with Andrew's. Our conversation with Sam and Nathan was short since they had to go pack to leave for Hawaii in the morning.

I looked over the parking lot looking for my parents and Bae, but I didn't catch site of them or the car. Slowly I turned to Andrew hoping he'd have an answer to this mystery. Andrew smiled and me and nodded almost as if he knew my thoughts.

"We're meeting them for lunch. They wanted it to be a surprise." He stated pulling out a blindfold as he opened the car door for me. After making sure I was in the darkness, we were on our way.

I heard the door open and felt Andrew put his hand onto my arm. Carefully I got off the car feeling the air around me cautiously.

"Waddles, you don't have to worry I won't let you run into anything." Andrew whispered into my ear as his hands rounded over my shoulders. I smiled to myself as my hands fell to my side. I knew he wouldn't let me get hurt, but if I was in a strange place anything could happen. After walking around listening to all the noise and chatter going on, we finally stopped. The blindfold fell from my eyes leaving my sight kinda blurry from the sudden change. Once my eyes adjusted I saw my parents and little sister sitting at a small table. Andrew untucked my chair and I sat as he took the seat next to me. Andrew's hand slowly engulfed mine as I turned to look at my parents. As soon as I looked my mom over my eyebrows knotted together in confusion. In her hand was a bag of fast food.

"Well dear, we didn't have time for lunch since your first surprise is about to happen-" She was cut off by a rustling speaker.

"Flight 267 to California boarding in 20 minutes." I looked around noticing my surroundings.

"It's happening in 20 minutes." My mom finished smiling. I could feel tears of joy and excitement well up in my eyes.

"Really?" I asked confused.

"Yes sweetheart you deserve it." My dad said. I wiped a falling tear as I looked over at Andrew.

"And that's just the first stop baby. We still have Brazil, England, and one more surprise stop. I know you wanted to travel here in the United States but I figured we'd wait."he said flashing a bright smile. The only thing I could do was nod.

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