Chapter 15

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After 2 days of being in care at the hospital I was allowed to go home. My wrists we're starting to heal and my bruises were starting to fade into yellow-greenish blobs. I was no longer malnourished and the drugs in my system had passed. I was finally in a better state and honestly ready to go back home and finish my last week of school on a good note.

Jason was out of my life since they admitted him into a mental hospital and Andrew and I made up while I was here. After he admitted that he loved me everything seemed so much easier. I was excited to go home and plan a get away for after my graduation since it was literally the weekend coming up.

"Andrew I'm nervous." I mumbled putting my laptop down to cuddle with him.

"Why Waddles?" He asked pushing my hair gently from my face.

"What if I trip crossing the stage? Or my hair's horrible? Or my make up looks bad? Or I look funny in my picture? Or-" He cut me off by pecking my lips making my eyes flutter close and a smile to form on my lips.

"Nothing's gonna happen baby. The week is gonna go by fast and then after you cross that stage we have a whole 2 months to travel around." He said smiling.

"I know." I squealed excitedly. We were about to kiss when there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in." I said moving away from Andrew to sit up. The door open revealing Sam looking nervous. She stopped by the hospital once but we didn't really talk since there was a crowd of people and she said she needed privacy to explain, this was the first time I'd seen her since then.

"Can we talk?" She asked looking straight at me.

"Yeah, it would be nice." I said smiling at her.

"This is my cue to leave. Waddles I'll be downstairs if you need me baby." Andrew mumbled kissing my head. I nodded in return. Slowly and cautiously Sam came closer to my bed.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Bri." She mumbled looking anywhere but me.

"It's okay Sam." I said feeling the awkwardness now.

"Bri, I promise it wasn't a choice. It's a long story as to why Jason and I where sleeping together, and I promise I never wanted you to find out." I flinched at the mention of Jason. Even though I knew it was over the thought of him still had me terrified.

"It's okay Sam I promise I'm over it." I said smiling.

"Can I explain why I did it? It kinda ties with the situation and it would take a load off." She said still standing awkwardly at the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, I guess it's kinda like closure. Sam please sit down, I want us to fix this." I said honestly. I missed having a girl bestfriend. She smiled and sat down by my side being cautious of the brusing on my ribs that was still in the process of healing.

"Remember the first double date we went on? It was me, you, Jason, and Nathan?" She asked smiling I nodded.

"Yeah. It was the second official date Jason and I went on. I didn't want to go alone so you came along and Nathan volunteered since all the other guys had plans that night." I said smiling at the memory.

"Yeah. Well that night I realized I liked Nathan... a lot. We started hanging out a lot more behind everyone's back. One day we ditched class and watched movies all day and he told me he loved me and I realized I loved him to. Somehow through our enjoyment Jason showed up. He heard everything, and honestly he had a side noone saw. He didn't know about Nathan and I because Nathan knew what would happen if he did. Honestly that was the day our worst nightmare came true. That day Jason threatened us. He told Nathan he'd kill me and anyone else who stood in his way. He said the only way this would work is if I slept with him and tried to get you and him closer. He said if I didn't he'd hurt you and I didn't want that so I complied. That's why I'd only say his name when we'd meet. I hated what I was doing, but I did it so you and Nathan wouldn't get hurt I care for you guys a lot." She said sobbing at the end.

"But you were giggling the night I found you guys." I mumbled trying to absorb all the info I just received.

"Yeah. I had to act, get on his good side. Remember that time I had bruising on my side and stomach and I told you I ran into the table and then the door knob?" She asked making me relive the memory of going over to her house and seeing her bruised body as she changed her shirt.

"Jason did it." I stated as the pieces clicked together. There was no doubt in my mind because I went though the same thing.

"Yeah. The first time I fought and he didn't like it. Nathan wasn't happy, but he know that threatening side of Jason. He watched Jason go through with all of his threats on people and he didn't want anyone he loved to follow." She said calm now. I nodded.

"Were you planning on telling me?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah that Monday when we went back to school. I finally decided I had the courage to tell you but you wouldn't listen. When Jason found out he threw a fit and let's say did 'something' to me. He made me act like we were a couple and I hated it because once again I wasn't able to show off mine and Nathan's relationship." All I could do was nod not sure what to say to any of it.

"I'm sorry for not listening Sam. I was so blind about everything and I should have listened when you wanted to explain. I should have known better, you are my best friend after all." I said as she looked up and smiled.

"You mean it Bri? You still want me as your best friend?" She asked excitedly.

"Of course I do Sam. If it wasnt for you, I don't know what would have happened that night." I said trying not to relive the bad memory. She hugged me in return. We talked a little more and decided to go graduation dress shopping sometime during the week. When she left I walked her out and rushed to the living room. There watching some corney movie was Andrew. I kissed him softly and he smiled under my lips.

"I love you Waddles." He said placing his forehead to mine. I brought my lips back to his and pulled away after a quick peck.

"As I love you Handsome." I giggled.

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