Chapter 14

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Aubry's Pov

I woke in a hard bed and to the smell of disinfectant. The only thing running through my head was he moved me to a different room, but as my eyes fluttered open I was greeted to an all white room accompanied by bright lights that had me shutting my eyes tightly from the brightness.

"Aubry?" A sweet voice mumbled. I knew I was no longer with Jason. I felt comfort and tingles run through me just at the sound. Maybe I was dreaming, or dead, cause that voice sounded just like Andrew's and I knew that was too good to be true.

"Am I dead?" I asked my voice cracking as I reopened my eyes letting them adjust this time.

"No silly." Was the response as I looked over at Andrew, who sure enough looked like an angle as he came close to me.

"Than I'm definently sleeping." I mumbled as his hand took mine, engulfing it in his own. He ran his thumb over the sore, broken and bruised skin of my wrist instantly making it feel better with those amazing tingles.

Now that he was closer I soaked in every detail since I knew he'd be gone when I woke. I didn't want to forget his beauty once the ugliness of my new life surrounded me again.

"Not even, baby. You're awake and definently not dead." He mumbled as tears rose into his dull blue eyes.

Now that I looked over him I realized all the differences. His skin seemed duller, his eyes had bags around them incasing those dull eyes(that seemed to be hypnotizing even in the lack of brightness). He hadn't shaved leaving him with stubble across this cheeks and chin, and despite all that he was still awfully beautiful. I couldn't help myself as I leaned in to kiss his lips softly.

"This is too good to be really happening." I whispered hoping my voice wouldn't crack. He held me close as I rested my head into his neck and he kissed onto my hair. After a while he pulled back to look into my eyes the tears brimming his eyes finally fell free.

"Aubry it's all my fault your here at a hospital and you're hurt." He mumbled as I cupped his cheek wiping his tears away with my thumb. Now that he mentioned a hospital I realized the IV in my injured left arm. Nope I'm definitely dreaming cause this whole situation was too good to be true.

"It's not your fault. It's mine I was careless. I should have went home." I said smiling slightly for reassurance.

"No it's mine because I should have told you I love you too. I'm crazy about you Aubry but I'm scared. I'm scared I'll lose you. My biological father left when my mom told him she was pregnant with me, that was the same day she told him she loved him. I never wanted to be like him, and I was afraid I wouldn't be like Albert. Albert raised me, he loved me like a father loves a son even though I wasn't his. He loved my mom even though she was pregnant with me, another guy's kid. He raised me and even gave me his last name but that wasn't enough to quench my fear. I was terrified I wouldn't be like him but I'd be like the guy who left that's why I never was in relationships, but when I saw you I felt like I needed you. It was pretty much love at first sight but I shrugged it away thinking all I needed was just to sleep with you to scratch that weird itch. Then, when you left the party I was worried especially cause I knew you were alone, everything in me screamed to help you get home safe. On the way to your house I had butterflies especially with you so close and when we started hanging out I knew I was falling in love if I wasn't in love already. I tested the waters and went with instinct when I asked you out, and with each passing day I fell harder for you. You're beautiful inside and out and I felt like I'd go crazy if I'd lose you. Then you told me you loved me and I was ready to tell you I loved you too, but images of my deceiving father came to mind and I shut you out and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hurt you and that I'm scared to love. It's my fault he hurt you and now you're here." He said looking at me sadly. My heart was pounding against my aching ribs and my mind went crazy analyzing everything.

"You love me?" I croaked out as tears rushed to my cheeks. He wiped them away, both of us keeping a hand rested on each others cheek incase more tears fell.

"Yes Waddles, I love you. I am in love and crazy about you Aubry." He said smiling. I pulled him to me and buried my head into his neck.

"I'm in love with you too, Andrew." I said kissing his neck. He shivered under my touch and I smiled knowing I had that control. His fingers linked thorough mine as I pulled back to look at him. I leaned in and kissed him passionately and I realized how much I really did love him. If only this moment wasn't a hallucination everything would be more than perfect. Sighing I laid back in bed.

"You should sleep Waddles, you had a hard day." He said moving to the hospital chair next to my bed.

"I don't want to sleep. I don't want this dream to end." I said yawning as my eyes started slipping shut.

"It's not a dream baby. I'll be here when you wake up. I love you my beautiful Waddles." He said kissing my lips gently.

"I love you too, Handsome." I mumbled as sleep began to incase me I hoped this wasn't a dream.

There was tugging on my wrist tying me back to the ropes. Slowly I let me eyes open tears coming to my face as I realized it was really just a dream and I was back here.

Jason smiled down at me making my stomach clench in fear as he moved closer to me. That was also when I realized we were both naked and the fear in me increased as I shook my head at his approaching frame.

"Finally, Aubry I'll get what's mine." He growled as he bit and kissed me roughly. I felt himself shift his weight to thrust into me when I yelled no. I felt shaking and I forced my eyes to open, there infront of me was Andrew, my mom, dad, and Bae.

"Aubry you okay?"Bae asked approaching my bed nervously. Her tiny frame seemed to shake in fear and I couldn't help the guilt that possessed me. I noticed she had one white rose gripped tightly in her little fist as I helped her onto the bed with me.

"Yeah baby, I'm fine just a bad dream." I said smiling for reassurance.

"I brought you this." She said handing the rose over to me, I smiled and took it from her tiny hand putting it on the nightstand next to me.

"Thank you it's beautiful." I said happily. She threw herself into my arms and I gripped onto her shaking frame.

"I missed you so much Bri. I don't think I've ever felt so scared when we couldn't find you." She sobbed into my chest.

"Shhh baby, it's okay I'm here now." I cooed as I kissed her head gently. She continued to sob and increased her hold almost like she was afraid I'd disappear. Slowly my parents approached the bed and hugged me tightly, Bae still in my hold.

"Baby we thought we'd never find you it was horrible." My mom whispered as she wiped her tears, my dad pulled her to him hugging her tightly to his side.

"Don't worry I'm here now." I stated happy that I knew this was reality, that they found me and I was safe.

After a day full of visitors, Andrew moved to my bed. I invited him to lay with me and after a couple moments of arguing he agreed. He slid gently behind me and I pressed myself into him feeling those comforting tingles and his amazing heat.

"I love you Handsome." I mumbled as butterflies rose.

"I love you too Waddles." He said kissing my cheek. After that I fell into a beautiful sleep, as he tamed the nightmares.

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