Chapter 3

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I decided to go back to my old roots. I pulled out a pair of grey skinny jeans and band tee, the only accessory was my headphones which currently hung loose on my neck. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and only applied a thin line of eye liner to my upper lid.

It felt good to dress as myself, ever since I started dating Jason I wasn't allowed to look my rocker self since his reputation was on the line. He changed me, but today I was going back to my old self.

I carried a bag that carried both his and Sam's belongings. I threw my favorite cds into the passenger seat throwing the horrible pop and rap cds Sam and Jason tried getting me to like into thier bag. I popped in my A Day To Remember cd and smiled. Today is going to be a good day.

Everyone stared at me as I drove into the parking lot, and for once I could care less. "If You Can't Hang" by Sleeping With Sirens was blasting and I laughed since it reminded me of myself for right now.

I turned my car off, plugged my headphones into my iPod, blasted my music, jumped out with both the "trash"(double meaning there) bag and my backpack, and locked the door before slamming it closed.

Everyone was gossiping around me, but I held my head high listening to my music. As I made my way in I noticed Sam leaning against my locker looking like she hadnt slept. I ignored her opening my locker instead, then she made a bad decision, she tugged my headphone out of my ear. I snapped my head in her direction her eyes full of regret and apology.

"Bri, I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have but-"

"No need to be sorry Samantha." I said coldly cutting her off.

"Bri, please, don't." She said tears rushing to her eyes. Instead of answering I pushed the bag in her direction.

"What's this?" She asked taking it slowly.

"Your things along with Jason's." I grabbed my books and slammed my locker.

"Oh and keep everything I left at your house, seeing as you like to take things that are mine." I turned and walked away, she stared shocked. I know pretty mean, but she and him are getting the cold me.

I cared so much about both, and they stabbed me in the back. Jason would get this side of me later, and he'd get it worse especially cause of the lies. He probably never loved me, I knew he didn't mean forever no one does.

I was heading to class too lost in thought to realize there was someone in front of me. I collided pretty hard with the person, but before I could collapse to the floor a strong arm reached out and studied me. The strange tingles ran up my arm and as my eyes collided with his my heart sped up.

"Andrew." I breathed out, unsure I could do much more.

"Hey Aubry." He gave me a dazzling smile that made my heart clench.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he released the hold on my arm, the cold violently attacking the spot he vacated.

"I came to see my little sister. I was about to leave when we ran into eachother." He said smiling again.

"You have siblings here?" I asked running a shaky hand though my ponytail. He laughed and nodded.

"Open campus lunch right?" I raised an eyebrow at him and nodded.

"Cool, I'll come get you and we can talk then. Meet me near the gym. Bye Aubry." He said turning to leave.

"Bye Andrew." I said smiling. I couldn't move as I watched him walk away. When I finally came to my senses I realized the halls were empty and I was late to class. I rushed to my first period with a smile on my face. Today is definitely gonna be a good day.

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