Chapter 10

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The next month in a half had flew by. I had 4 weeks till graduation, and everything seemed to be falling into perfect place. Andrew and I were getting closer by the second, and I even found an amazing school in my hometown. Andrew promised to start school with me and if we lasted and we would try to get an apartment together. Ari and Bae got close so we always went out together, and things at home were just great.

I was completely comfortable with Andrew and at this point I was also in love with him. He is such a gentlemen and so patient. Even though we've taken things a little further we never go to far. He respects me in so many ways and it's so invigorating to not feel pressured, but deep down I knew I was ready. I was ready to lose my virginity to Andrew.

I know I love him so much it kind of drives me crazy, and I hoped it was mutual. I sat up in bed and nodded, today was defiantly the day I had "the talk" with mom.

I climbed down the stairs slowly feeling flutters of nervousness float around my stomach at the thought of my mother's reaction. I just crossed my fingers and hoped she wouldn't flip. I walked into the kitchen to find my mom and dad chattering while my mom cooked and my dad peered through his paper as usual.

"Morning Bri. How was your nights rest?" She asked with a smile.

"Great. Ummmm I was wondering...... Ummm..... Can we...... Can we talk after breakfast?" I asked nervously. Her and my dad exchanged a glance but she nodded almost reluctantly.

"Sure hun." She said finishing up breakfast.

Breakfast seemed to drag. My heart was hammering in my ears and I couldn't eat. I wasn't sure why, maybe it was just the nerves, but I couldn't join the conversation. I could see everyone's mouth moving as they conversed but I couldn't hear a sound over the loud strumming of my rapid heart. Instead I looked down at my food wondering why this seemed so hard.

Should I just blurt it to her? Should I ask her advice? Would I listen anyway? Was I nervous cause I wasn't ready? I sighed as my head started to pound.

"Aubry. Earth to Aubry!" Echoed in my ears slowly increasing from a slight whisper to a full on yell. I jumped and looked around the table. To my astonishment noone was there except my mom and I.

"Should I worry?" She asked seriously taking a seat as she sipped on her coffee.

"No." I said shaking my head while pushing my untouched food away.

"Then, what's up?" She asked looking me over slowly. I gulped and looked her straight in the eye.

"Mom, I think I'm ready to have sex." I said smoothly to my surprise.

"Are you sure Hun?" She asked not seeming surprised. I nodded furiously.

"I know it seems soon but I love Andrew. I plan on telling him before we do.... It." I mumbled feeling embarrassed.

"Well, I'm happy you came to me first. I remember falling in love with your father and having sex with him. I didn't have anyone to go to and I didn't want my mom finding out so I just kept it between us. Anyway he proposed to me soon after our first time having sex and soon after I found out I was pregnant with you actually. I had no one to talk about protection with, and since I never talked to anyone we were rarely protected just 'cause it never crossed our minds. But if you're ready hun I don't mind, but we should get you on birth control because having children and so young is no joke. I'll set up an appointment with Dr. Lee for tomorrow and then it doesn't have to come up unless you want it to." My mom said with a smile. I was genuinely shocked she'd agree to it but happy that she listened and didn't judge or tell me no repeatedly.

"Thanks mom. For understanding and for being here. In my heart I know I love him and I'm ready." I said standing to hug her.

"No problem, baby. I just want to you to be safe. I was a teenager once I know how this all feels. I'm just happy it was sooner than later." She mumbled squeezing me tighter to her. I couldn't complain because I knew I made the right decision by coming to the person I could trust the most.

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