Chapter 12

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The days passed and by day five (I think) I wanted nothing more than to escape.

My body adjusted to the drug Jason was dosing me with so the darkness was abandoning more and more leaving me to struggle through the hell I was in.

Jason became forceful. He'd kiss me forcefully, and if I'd resist or retaliate he'd 'punish' me. He became plain abusive. It started off as light hits, then it was slaps or biting my lower lip if I resisted a kiss(and in that case he wouldn't let go till I bled, only to make me gag by him licking the wound clean), now it was all of the above and punches to any part of my body. I was covered in brusies and wanted nothing more but to leave.

"Tonight's the night beautiful. Tonight I claim your innocence, the thing that's rightfully mine." Jason chirped as he brought the food to me. I looked at him terrified wishing this was all a horrible dream and not the sick and painful reality of my life. I felt tears well in my eyes, but I wasn't going to release them, it would only bring him satisfaction.

There was a knock on the door before the door cracked open and a head full of red hair toppled in. There was a sharp gasp, and Jason stopped feeding me to throw the intruder out.

"Jason, please don't tell me that's Aubry." Sam shouted carelessly at him.

"Shut up. And yes it's her. She's MINE Samantha and mine only" He growled out.

"Jason you said you wouldn't if I-" Sam started before Jason cut her off.

"I don't want you Sam I want her. I love her not you. Now leave." His voice was menacing and it had me flinching in retreat. The door opened and Jason came back in looking flustered.

"I wont let her ruin today. Today will be my day because I will fully claim you as mine." Jason growled before forcing his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and hoped that a miracle would occur.

Andrew pov.

I was getting restless. The days seemed to stretch on and I was honestly a wreck. I had several search parties but so far nothing. The police marked her as a runaway and since she was 18 (legal age) they decided not to continue the search with us. I knew Aubry didn't runaway though, especially since she was so connected to her family. Something in the pit of my stomach told me she was closer than I thought.

I let my head fall into my hands as I sighed. I knew this was all my fault and it was killing me. I hadn't done much in the 5, almost 6 days she was missing. I barely slept, ate, or did anything besides look for her.

If I wouldn't have pushed her away she would still be in my arms, but instead she was out there being forced into only who knows what and I was here. I was in this run down building that Steph and I decided to rent for everyone to met up before and after the search. Either she stayed or I stayed waiting patiently while the other went on the search for the day.

Dave and Bailey with 2 groups left to the smaller outer towns to see if she'd be there. I was frustrated and I wanted to just rampage through the town to get her back instead of being planted on this rusty folding chair. I knew I would love to be the one to find her, but I knew reasonably I should wait, maybe catch a couple z's since I'm gonna pull night shift too. I was about to talk to Fred, the guy who switched positions with me when I needed a break, when I heard the yelling.

"Let me go Nathaniel, I wanna see him." Was coming from the door. Nathan was talking lowly to whoever it was leaving me curious, but I was frozen on spot.

"Nathan he deserves to know. Screw the threats, if he hurts her in anyway you know Andrew will kill him." The door popped open and there stood that familiar red hair, Nathan clutching to her arm desperately.

"Please, Sam, I can't lose you. If he finds out you did this I'll lose you, I'll lose Andrew, and only God knows who else he'll take!" Nathan yelled into her face. She hugged him and pulled back to smile at him.

"Don't worry Nath, you won't lose anyone, trust me." Sam mumbled as I was approaching the scene unraveling before my eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked my voice rough from my lack of sleep, water and the anger that was starting to surface.

"I know who has your girl." Sam said as Nathan released his hold on her to run a hand nervously through his thick hair.

"Tell me who." I responded both excited and worried since my girl was on the line here, but Sam told. She told me everything.

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