Chapter 7

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I woke up smiling remembering last night.

After we it back to my place, Andrew talked to my parents. He told them that he wanted them to know we were together and asked if it was okay since he didn't want to go against them. My parents were more than happy to let us stay together and I was happy they were accepting to him, because I liked him a lot. They didn't seem to mind Andrew as much as they did Jason, and honestly I like Andrew more than I did Jason in the beginning stages.

After I had finished pinning my wavy hair into a half up half down style, there was a light knock on the door. I invited the person in as I started working on my make up.

"Hey Waddles." Andrew said jumping on my bed.

"Hey Handsome." I mumbled fixing my left eye to look like my right.

"Is that going to be my nickname? I think I'm well suited for it if it is." He was chuckling and I turned to glance at him.

"You were so handsome as a baby, and I figured since I got mine from baby pictures, why not?" I picked up my favorite cream eyeliner and turned back to the mirror.

"What about now Waddles, do you think I'm still handsome?" He asked getting out of the bed, stalking over to me. When I finished lining both of my eyelids I turned to smile at him.

"Eh you could pass for it." I joked. He smirked and nodded.

"You don't think that Waddles, do you?" He said with an evil glint in his eye. I backed up about to answer when his hands snaked to my side. Slowly he wiggled his fingers across my sides and rib cage. I squirmed left and right as his tickling fest continued.

"Okay, okay. You're...... still...... handsome." I gasped between my fits of laughter. He pulled his hands back and smiled. He pulled back a piece of hair that fell into my face keeping our close proximity as his eyes bore into mine.

"And I think you're absolutely beautiful." He said kissing my forehead. My heart was clenching and the butterflies were fluttering endlessly in my stomach from his sweetness.

"I think you're just trying to be a sweet boyfriend." I joked walking to my closet. His smiled seemed to grow at the title.

"I just dont want to lose you. I like calling you my girlfriend." He said smugly as I returned with my favorite Converse in hand. He was so sweet and I was excited to see where we would go with this relationship.

"You know what I just realized?" Andrew asked as we arrived at the mall.

"What?" I asked taking his hand and jumping out of the car. He was still such a gentleman even though I knew he would be.

"I'm horrible with making dates for you. I'm going be a horrible boyfriend Waddles."He said with mock horror.

"Ohhh no. I knew it." I gasped. He began to laugh and I moved closer to his side.

"I know it's horrible." He joked intertwining our fingers. Slowly he laid a gentle kiss across the top of my hand tangled with his.

"Handsome as long as I'm with you, I'm having the best time in the world." I said honestly slipping through the door he held open.

"Aww Waddles that touched the heart." He laughed before pecking my lips gently. Once his lips left mine his smile maximized scaring me slightly.

"What?" I asked as he began tugging my throughout the store we just arrived in.

"Let's have a fun day in the mall." He laughed evilly causing me to giggle at his childish outburst.

"My feet hurt." I whined as we exited a store and entered the food court area. The smell off the food wrapped around me causing mg stomach to growl in response.

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