Chapter 2

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I had on a deep red dress that was loose but hung on the shoulders, it had a thick band a little lower than mid-thigh and showed off my legs. I was original gonna pair it off with a pair of black stilettos but decided against it and settled on a pair of red flats that had black lace over the top. My hair was in thick brown curls that cascaded down my back and ended an inch or two above my butt. My make up was done natural, yet it still seemed to compliment my grey eyes highlighting the blue hues I had as well. I looked myself over and smiled, maybe I wouldn't sleep with Jason for our 2 years, but this look will hold his attention.

"Hey are you- Woah." Sam said stopping in her tracks. She whistled and smiled widely at me.

"Looks like heaven lost an angel. Turn for me babe." She joked spinning her index finger in a circular motion. I laughed and spun in a small circle for her.

"Same to you, love. You look stunning." I shot back. It was true though, Sam looked a hundred times better than me.

She had on a tight dark green dress that ended mid thigh, the dress hung to her in all the right spots making her look even more curvy. Her red hair was straight and styled to fall down her right shoulder, her makeup matching her emerald eyes. No doubt she was going to get hit on tonight.

"Okay, let's go." Sam said slipping her 6 inch heels on then rushed out the door, leaving me to follow.

The party went like most others. I greeted Jas, him and Sam argued, we danced, he got me a drink, said he had to use the restroom and went missing.

I was currently slumped into a chair sulking on how horrible my anniversary was going. Jason probably forgot and yet deep down I was hoping he would surprise me by telling me the 2 words I wanted to hear.

I had already had 2 drinks, and since the punch bowl was getting spiked by different alcohols after each song, one drink was stronger than the other, and the buzz hit me when I finished my 2nd drink. I know I'm a light weight, but partying wasn't really my scene.

An hour passed and I was getting more frustrated with each passing second. Both Sam and Jas abandoned me, and I was left speaking to.... Well no one. I had guys hitting on me and girls gossiping about me in whispers as they passed, and now I just wanted to leave. I headed up the stairs of the house us teens were currently destroying.

"Jas? Sam?" I called, heading deeper into the long, dark hall, suddenly someone grabbed my arm, and I had to bite back a scream as I turned to glare at the cause of my fright. I thought it could be Jason, yet the bolt of electricity running through my arm told me otherwise.

There standing in front of me was a guy about 6'3, he seemed to tower over my 5'4 height. He had bright blue eyes and black hair that was longer in the front, almost to his eyes, and shorter in the back, resting a little above neck level.

"Can I help you?" He asked in a deep voice causing the hair on my arms to stand at the sweet sound. My heart was thumping against my cheat at the sight of him. I was at a loss for words until he tilted his head to the side as to say "hello". I shook my head and cleared my throat hoping my voice would work.

"Umm, yeah, have you seen a girl, with red hair, green dress, heels? Oh or a boy, brown hair, jersey number 10, blue jeans?" He released my arm the tingles vanishing and cold air replaced the warmness.

"Yeah third door on the right." I turned to look at the door.

"Together?" I asked, but when I turned to look at the beautiful stranger he was gone.

My heart seemed to clench tighter as I got closer and closer to the dreaded 3rd door. I heard giggling and swallowed the knot in my throat as I realized it was Sam's. Slowly I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I was too shocked to move at the sight in front of me, and instead gasped interrupting them.

Sam was laying back in bed, only in her underwear her dress lost deep in the corner, I'm guessing along with Jason's jersey as he laid on her in only his jeans. His body was pressed tightly against hers, and he was trailing kisses from her neck to her collarbone and back.

Sam pushed Jason off of her when she heard the noise that escaped me. I felt tears prickle my eyes as she she stared at me looking like a deer trapped in headlights. Jason let out a frustrated groan and sat up.

"Ever heard of- Bri?" He questioned getting up quickly. I turned and ran down the hall quickly, down the steps and out the door before he could catch me. It's a good thing I decided on flats cause I wouldn't have been quick in heels.

I was walking home when lights appeared next to me. I turned hoping it wasn't Jason since he was the ride to the party, but when I turned to look at the car next to me it was unfamiliar. I quickened my pace, and the car speed up as well , my heart was racing in my chest as I started looking in my purse for my phone.

"Hey." That voice was familiar, but I couldn't quite pin point it.

"Hey, get in the car." I stopped shuffling through my bag to see my sexy stranger.

"I don't know you and I'm fine walking I need fresh air." I said slowing my pace.

"Names Andrew, and we can roll the windows down." He smirked and winked at me.

"Well Andrew, you could be a pedophile for all I know." I would have laughed if this ache in my chest wasn't so strong.

"I'm only 19, and you might be 17 or 18 not big a difference. Plus I don't really go for the girly type." He said. If only he knew, I was far from girly, he was judging from my outer appearance.

"Whatever. Look I appreciate it but I don't do the whole strangers thing." My feet were aching, but my stubborn side wouldn't allow me to give in so easily.

"I'm not gonna hit on you, like I said you're not my type. Now it's 1 in the morning, and some drunk guy can and will pick you up by force." I was about to disagree again when Jason's car came into sight.

"Fine." I groaned. He pulled the car to the side and I jumped in. "No funny business, I just want to go home." He nodded and smiled. I gave him my address and soon we were in my drive way. All the lights were out which meant everyone was probably asleep now. I opened the door, but he grabbed my hand before I could get out of the car.

"I didn't catch your name." He said his blue eyes twinkling as he stared deep into my grey-blue ones.

"It's Aubry." I said feeling those strange tingles again.

"Well nice to meet you, Aubry." He said releasing my hand.

"You too, Andrew." I said closing the door.

"Good night, Aubry." Was the last thing I heard as the car backed out of my drive way and down the street so fast it took me by surprise.

"Good night, Andrew." I whispered as I entered my quite house. I got into my room and the tears I struggled to hold back escaped. I threw myself into bed, and my phone continually went off.

I spent the weekend sulking in bed, listening to music the betrayal so fresh. Eventually I turned my phone off since it continued to buzz every 2 seconds.

Sunday night I decided to spice things up on Monday, not let them notice they hurt me, and try to show I was still the strong girl everyone knew.

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