Ch. 1

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First chapter is always exciting !! Ahhhh 

And , this chapter is dedicated to my dear friend Zeidy , uniquerock , since it's her birthday . So a massive happy birthday Z , I wish you the bestest x

Hope you'll like it , enjoy the chapter x


"Code green , house is on fire , the whole family trapped inside ."

Sirens rang through the station , all the firefighters ran down the stairs to see who needs to go .

"Harry , Liam and Oli in truck 14 , Noah , Charlie and Ben in truck 17 -"

Harry ran to get his Amber uniform with Liam and Oli following close behind , they got into the truck with Oli driving .

"What's the address of the house ?" Liam said in the walkie talkie , the shift commander told him . Oli pushed the gas and drove faster while Harry and Liam were putting on their suits .

Three minutes later they reached their destination , Liam and Harry jumped out of the truck . Liam started pushing away the neighbors so they'll have enough space for the truck , Harry got the firehoses and handle , quickly putting out the front door and entrace .

"Harry , we need to get inside , there are seven people inside of the house . Let's do this quick ." Liam said and handed him a proof blanket (to cover up a person while carrying them out) , Harry nodded and the two walked in .

It was burning hot inside , Liam took up the first floor and Harry the second . He saw the rooms on fire , so he screamed over the noises , "Is there anyone here !?"

There was no answer , so he kept calling out . "Is there anyone here ?!"

"I'm here !" He heard a voice , then a cough . He rushed through and saw a door on fire . "Please step away from the door !" Harry called , before kicking the door down . He entered the room , seeing a boy sitting under the window on the floor , clutching his crutches in his hands . His face was a bit dirty from the smoke and he had tears streaming down his face .

He crouched down in front of him , "Are you hurt ? Burned ?" He asked , the boy shook his head .

"Okay , I'm going to cover you up with this blanket so you won't get hurt , and I'll carry you out , okay ?" Harry said as he was wrapping the blanket over the boy's shoulders , the boy nodded and let himself get carried out of the room .

It was hot and he was having a hard time breathing , Harry quickly and carefully walked down the stairs , with Liam exiting the house right after him .

The three made it a few steps out of the house , before a loud noise was heard and the house collapsed .

"No !!" The boy in Harry's arms cried out , Harry looked down to him and held him closer , "Shh , it's okay , it's okay ." He turned to Liam , "Did you get anyone out ?"

Liam shook his head with a sad look on his face , Harry breathed out and held the boy close , rocking him back and forth . "It's okay , you're okay ."

The paramedics rolled the stretcher towards Harry and the boy , Harry lied him on it and took off his oxygen mask along with the helmet , "You're going to be perfectly fine , I promise , okay ?"

The boy was crying , and Harry couldn't do anything but watch him being taken away while the rest of the firefighters are doing their best to put the house down as quick as possible .

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora