Ch. 8

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Harry knocked on the door to the Horan's house , Greg opened it with a smile , "Hello , come in ."

Harry walked in with a smile , Greg closed the door behind him , "Niall and Louis will be ready in a bit , you can go to the living room while I call them down ."

Harry nodded and walked into the living room , looking around a little .

A minute later Niall walked in with Louis following , "Heya , lad ." He smiled at Harry , Harry smiled back , "Hey , how have you been ?"

"I've been okay ." Niall nodded and pushed Louis towards him , Louis blushed and looked up at him with a smile , "Hi ."

"Hey ." Harry leaned down and pecked his lips , "Ready to go ?"

Louis nodded , Harry took his hand and the three walked out of the house .

Harry got in the driver's seat , Louis in a passenger's and Niall in the back , Harry started the car , "We'll go pick up Liam and then go to lunch , yeah ?"

Niall blushed slightly at the mention of Liam's name , "I thought Zayn was coming ?"

"He canceled , so Harry called Liam ." Louis said and looked back at Niall , who gave him a nervous look . Louis just smiled at him and turned back to the road .

Harry parked outside a house , he picked his phone up and called Liam .

"I'm outside , get your ass into the car ."

"Shut the fuck up , I'll be there in a minute ."

They hung up , Louis raised his eyebrow and giggled , "What was that ?"

"We're best friends , we always talk like that ." Harry chuckled .

Liam walked out of the house and locked the door , walking down the front steps and down the pathway .

He circled the car and got in next to Niall , "Hey guys , how are you ?"

"We're good , put your seatbelt on so we can go ." Harry said and looked at him through the mirror .

Liam buckled himself and gave Niall a smile , "Hey ."

"Hi ." Niall smiled back .

Harry started driving to the restaurant , turning the radio on . A song started , making Louis gasp and turn the volium up a little more , "I love this song !"

"Who are these people

I just woke up in my underwear

No liquor left on the shelf

I should probably introduce myself"

"You like this band ?" Harry asked with a smile , Louis nodded , "Yeah , Brendon is a really good singer ."

"Do you like Twenty One Pilots aswell ?" Harry asked and stopped at a red light , Louis nodded , "Yeah , they're amazing ."

"Sweet . I'll take you to a concert then , when they get to England ." Harry gave him a smile , Louis blushed , "I'd like that ."

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora