Ch. 5

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This story goes well , your comments are lovely .

Enjoy the chapter x


"Hey mate ." Harry smiled at Liam as he walked into the fire station at seven a.m , Liam smiled back and signed himself in along with Harry , "Hey , how was the dinner yesterday ?"

"It went better than I thought ." Harry shrugged .

"How's your lover boy doing ?"

Harry chuckled and shook his head , "He's doing well , still recovering ."

"Did you find out how old is he ?" Liam asked Harry nodded , "Yeah , he's nineteen ."

Liam's eyes widened , "Harry , what the fuck ! It's a four years gap -"

"Almost , four years gap . He'll be twenty in December , and I'll turn twenty four in February ."

"It's still a four years gap !" Liam ran his fingers through his hair .

"Calm your ass down , Payne , he's in legal age and capable of himself . I won't do anything I'm not supposed to do and you know it ."

"I know , I just - I'm just worried ."

"Well then you don't have to be , I know what I'm doing ." Harry patted his shoulder and walked into the kitchen to help making breakfast .


Harry was sitting in the living room , Ben taking a nap on the couch across from him while the rest of the firefighters were either napping , exercising or outside doing whatever .

He had his phone in front of him , trying to think of what he would do for his and Louis' first date . He wanted something quiet indoors , so he could get to know him .

He tapped his screen , typing a text for Louis .

Hey , Louis . It's Harry . Are you free on Thursday evening ? Thought we could go on our date then . Answer me when you can . x

His knee jumped as he waited for an answer , staring at his phone as if it will help . Two minutes later his phone went off with a new text message .

Hi Harry . Yeah , I'm free on Thursday 

Great , would you like to come over to my place ? I'll make us a nice dinner , then we could watch a movie . What do you think ?

It sounds great :)

Good , I'll come to pick you up at seven thirty , alright ?

Alright , see you then x

See you then , tiny angel x

Harry smiled to himself , he could already imagine Louis' blush covered face shying behind his hands .


It was the day after , Harry was shopping for ingredients for his and Louis' dinner date . It took him the whole shift to think of something to cook for him , eventually settling on something casual .

He munched on his lower lip as he picked the best ones he could find , wanting only the best for Louis .

Soon he finished and rolled the cart to pay for the things , when he saw Maura standing in the line .

"Maura ." He called her , she turned around and immediately smiled at Harry , "Hey , Harry dear ." She gave him a hug , "Shopping for something special ?"

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora