Ch. 7

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Another chappie x

Enjoy x


Harry walked into the firestation at seven a.m , signing himself in . He walked into the kitchen to help start making breakfast until the rest of the firefighters will arrive , greeting Charlie and Ben who already started .

"Morning , lads ." Harry patted their shoulders , the two smiled at him , "Morning ."

"What can I help with ?" Harry asked .

"You can cook the eggs ." Ben nodded towards the eggs near the stove , Harry nodded and started .

Liam walked into the kitchen and greeted the three , going up to Harry , "So , how was your date ?"

"It went perfect ." Harry smiled at him , "Louis is just ... the best I could ever ask for ."

"As long as you're happy , mate ." Liam smiled and rubbed his shoulder , "Do not do anything until he's atleast twenty one , do you hear me ?"

"You're talking to me like I'm a child , mate ." Harry chuckled , "But I won't do anything until Louis is ready , I don't even know why I'm thinking about it since we started dating literally three days ago ."

"I know you'll take good care of him , but you need to be extra caring ."

"I know , I held him when he wept as he house collapsed ."

"Just reminding you this , do your best ."


When Harry was done showering after being at the gym , he got dressed back into his uniform just in time for the alarm to go off .

"Field caught on fire , Liam , Harry and Oli in truck 14 -"

The three took their yellow field suits and ran to the firetruck , Liam got into the driver's seat and drove out of the station quickly , while Harry and Oli got into their uniform .

A few minutes later they reached the field , Oli was the first one to get out and start backing people away from the fire .

Harry got out of the truck and took the firehose , Liam helped placing everything as Harry stepped closer to the fire . He turned the stream on and started putting out the fire , while another firetruck arrived at the place for help at another side of the field .

An hour later the field was put out , Harry sighed out in relief and carried the hose back to the firetruck .

"Good job , mate ." Oli patted his shoulder and took the hose from his hands , Harry smiled at him and took off the helmet , oxygen mask and suit coat , when he felt a tap on his shoulder .

He turned around , a smirk spreading on his lips when he saw Louis , "Are you following me ?"

Louis blushed and shook his head , "No ."

Harry raised an eyebrow cheekily , Louis hit his chest , "Zayn , Niall and I were having a picnic when we heard there's a fire , so they dragged me over to see if you're here ."

"We did not ! You dragged us to see if he's here ." Niall laughed , Louis shook his head at Harry , "Don't listen to him , he's lying ." He blushed .

Harry laughed and opened his arms , "Do I get a hug anyways ?"

Louis smiled and gave him a hug , scrunching his nose , "You stink ."

"I showered before I was called though ." Harry chuckled .

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora