Ch. 13

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Heads up : It's a long chappie :3

Enjoy x


Harry just finished his shift , signing himself out with Noah .

"We're going out for a few drinks tonight , are you joining ?" Noah asked , Harry shook his head , "No , sorry . I made some plans with Louis for tonight ."

"Horny bastard ." Noah laughed , Harry laughed aswell , "Not at all , mate . I mean , it's the first time he's spending the night at my place and I want it to go as smoothly as possible ."

"Good luck with that , don't scare him away ." Noah chuckled and got into his car , Harry laughed and shook his head , "You need to shut the fuck up sometimes ."


Harry parked his car outside the Horan's house , he got out and walked up the pathway to the front door . He knocked , a few seconds later Maura opened the door with a smile , "Hello Harry , come in ."

Harry smiled back and walked inside , Maura pointed her thumb backwards , "Louis is upstairs in his room , go get him ."

Harry nodded and walked up the stairs , knocking gently on the door . Louis opened the door two seconds later , smiling shyly at Harry , "Hey , uh , come in . I'll be ready in a few ."

Harry walked in , Louis closed the door behind him and turned to go to his closet but Harry caught his waist from behind , "Where is my hello kiss ?" He pulled him back and turned him around , Louis giggled and let Harry press their lips together .

Harry smiled into the kiss and pulled back , pecking his lips once more before pulling back completely , "Get your stuff , Angel ."

"If you actually let me instead of seize me , I will ." Louis sassed , squealing and running towards the closet when Harry's fingers neared his ribs . Harry threw his head back laughing , "You're too precious ."

Louis giggled and got the last things from his closet , putting them into his bag . He got himself his toothbrush , deodorant and perfume before slinging the bag over his shoulder , "I'm ready ."

"Let's go ." Harry took the bag and carried it for him , even though Louis said he could carry it himself . He tsked and took his hand , going out of the room downstairs .

"Where's Niall ?" Harry asked , when Niall ran down the stairs , "I'm here ! Let's go ."

Niall slung his arm around Louis' shoulder , "Ready to spend the night at Harry's ?"

"Ready to spend the night at Liam's ?"

"Of course I'm ready , he promised he'll cook something good ." Niall said , Louis burst into giggles , "So you're saying he bribed you ?"

"Basically ." Niall said , they said goodbye to Maura and walked out of the house to Harry's car .

Soon they reached Liam's place , he was waiting outside on his porch and smiled as Harry pulled up infront of the house . He opened the cardoor for Niall and greeted him with a kiss , the two waved goodbye and Harry drove away .

"I planned a few things for us , since we both slept in till noon and won't be able to fall asleep that easily ." Harry started , "I saved a few movies on TV , got some ingredients to make cookies , I bought snacks and drinks ."

"Sounds great . I'll honestly be surprised if we'll end up actually watching the movie and not annoy each other for ten minutes straight ." Louis giggled , making Harry laugh , "True , true . So we'll have something in the background , and just annoy each other for two hours straight . How does that sound ?"

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora