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Sooo , the last update of the book . I had so much fun writing this book , honestly .

Also , I didn't feel like updating today , since I was informed Jay passed away , but I wanted to try cheering you guys up somehow .

Enjoy x


~Three Years Later~

"Hazza be careful !" Louis screeched as Harry held Lia by her ankles updside down , swinging her side to side as she giggled like mad .

Harry chuckled , "Don't be like that Lou , we're having fun ." Harry placed Lia on the couch , leaning to kiss her cheek , "See ? She's okay ."

"I almost had a heart attack ." Louis shook his head and turned his head back to the puzzle , watching with a smile as Lucas connected a few more pieces .

A year after they got married , Harry and Louis adopted twins ; Lia and Lucas . The two were connected by the hip from the moment they were born , and even after their parents abandoned them at the age of two , they only grew closer .

They were four when Harry and Louis adopted them , and now two years later , they're a happy little family .

Lia went over to Louis and hugged him , "Sorry we scared you papa , we were just playing ."

"It's okay love , just please be careful , don't let daddy go crazy ." He smiled at her and tapped her nose , she smiled and nodded , "Okay ."

Harry sat next to Lucas , "You're doing a great job there , buddy ." He patted his back , Lucas smiled , "I'm the puzzle master ."

Louis and Harry laughed softly and agreed , Lia cuddled into Louis' chest , "Papa , can we make hot chocolate ?"

"Of course , let's go ." He smiled down at her and walked with her to the kitchen , he helped her up onto the counter , "Be careful , okay ?"

She nodded , Louis went to put the kettle on as Lia carefully set four mugs on the counter .

A few minutes later they were done , Louis carried the mugs on a tray to the living room , to see that Stone joined them .

"Stonie - Pony !" Lia ran up to him , she grabbed the tennis ball from his mouth and rolled it across the room , giggling as he chased it .

Louis set the tray on the table and went back to sit in front of Lucas , "Oh wow , you're almost done now ."

"Yeah , daddy helped me a little too ." Lucas said without looking up from his puzzle .

Harry lied on his back on the carpet , his head on Louis' lap . Louis smiled at him and ran his fingers through his hair , "It's nice having you home on Sunday ."

"Yeah , it's nice spending my Sunday's with you ." Harry smiled at him , then groaned as Lia flopped down on his chest , making her giggle .

"Give me a cuddle ." Harry opened his arms , Lia cuddled into his chest , laying across it . Harry hugged her and kissed her head , sighing softly as he rubbed her back .

"Done !" Lucas cheered and threw his fists in the air , Louis and Harry smiled and praised him . Harry invited him to join their cuddle session , opening his arm for him .

Lucas lied next to Harry against his side , head on his shoulder . Harry kissed his forehead , "You smart little lad , just like your papa ."

Louis blushed slightly and poked Harry's dimple , Harry smiled up at him and winked .


"Haz , they have school tomorrow , they need to go to sleep ." Louis sighed , but smiled in amusement as he watched Harry tickling the two kids , their giggles filling the house .

"Alright , alright . That's it for today ." Harry stopped and sat back , smiling at the two little kids who giggled and tried catching their breaths .

"Come on , get under the covers ." Louis pulled back the covers of Lia's bed , then Lucas' . The two got in , smiling as Louis tucked them in and kissed their foreheads .

"Papa ?" Lia called , Louis sat on her bed , "Yeah ?"

"I have a question ."

"Go on , what is it ?"

"How did you and daddy meet ?"

Louis smiled at her , biting his lip softly . Harry lied next to Lucas as Louis lied next to Lia , getting ready to tell their story .

"As you two know , daddy is a firefighter ." Louis started , running his fingers through Lia's hair , "And one night , my house was on fire . I was in there with my mummy and step-dad , and sisters . And then daddy walked into my room and carried me out of the house , he saved my life ."

"That's so nice ." Lia smiled , Louis nodded , "Yeah , it is ."

"So after I carried papa out of the house , he was in the hospital . I went there to see if he's okay , and the moment I saw papa , I fell in love ." Harry continued , letting Lucas play with his rings , "So ever since then papa and I were talking to each other , and we both knew we liked each other . Then I asked papa to go on a date with me ."

"Was it fun ?" Lucas asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , it was amazing ."

"And then we had our first kiss , and we said 'I love you's' ." Louis continued , "And after dating for two and a half years , daddy asked me to marry him ."

"Ooh , that's so romantic !" Lia cooed , giggling up at Louis . Louis giggled , "Yeah , except for the way he proposed it was all romantic ."

"How did daddy popose ?" Lucas asked , Harry chuckled , "It's 'proposed' , buddy ."

"Well , daddy scared me quite a lot , he made me believe he was hurt , then turns out he only wanted to ask me to marry him ." Louis giggled a little at the memory .

"That's not nice , daddy ! Scaring people isn't nice ." Lia pouted at him , Harry laughed , "I know , kitten , but I was happy when he said yes ."

"And then we got married , and a year later , we adopted two beautiful kids ." Louis kissed Lia's forehead , "And we live happily ever after ."

"Yay ! I love happy endings ." Lia clapped , Louis nodded , "Me too . But now , it's bedtime ."

Harry and Louis kissed the two before leaving the room , letting Stone in , since he sleeps there every night .

Louis sighed and stretched a little , "I'm getting in shower , then I'm out , I'm so tired ."

"Want me to join you ?" Harry asked , Louis smiled at him , "Yeah , that would be nice ."

"Do we have time for a quicky ?" Harry asked and followed Louis into the bathroom , making Louis giggle softly .

After shower Harry tucked Louis into bed before going to lock up the house and wash the dishes from dinner .

He returned to their bedroom , Louis was already half asleep , smiling sleepily as he saw Harry walking into the room .

Harry got into bed next to him , "Missed me ?"

"How could I not ?" Louis smiled and cuddled up to him , sighing at the warmth . Harry rubbed his back , "Have I told you how happy I am ?"

Louis smiled , "I'm happy too ."

Harry hugged him tighter , "Would you like to bring the kiddos tomorrow to the station ?"

"Of course , that'll be great ." Louis nodded with a smile , Harry tucked his hand under Louis' shirt to rub his back , Louis pecked his cheek , "Night Hazza ."

"Night Angel , love you ."

"Love you too ."


It was a little short , but that's it .

Hope you enjoyed the fic , I personally loved it .


Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora