Ch. 10

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"I need your help ." Niall grabbed Louis' arm and pulled him to his room , "I have a date with Liam and I don't know what to wear ."

"Jeez , Niall , just pick something out ." Louis flopped down on the bed .

"We're going out for a picnic , what should I wear ?" Niall asked and opened the closet doors .

"Something simple , it's not a restaurant or something fancy ." Louis lied on his front and swung his feet back and forth .

"What about this ?" Niall pulled an outfit from the closet , Louis nodded , "Looks good , go put it on ."

Niall walked into the attached bathroom and changed , going back out . "Does it look okay ?"

Louis nodded again , "Yeah , you look great ." He smiled , Niall looked at the mirror and sighed , "Maybe I should change my shirt ." He pulled a shirt from the closet and changed .

Thirty minutes later he was finished , Bobby knocked on the bedroom door , "Boys , Liam and Harry are here ."

Louis raised his eyebrows , "He didn't tell me he was coming ."

They walked out of the bedroom down to the living room , Louis looked down to his clothes and blushed at the Micky Mouse pajamas he was wearing .

"Hey ." Liam greeted Niall with a smile and a peck on the cheek , taking his hand . They said goodbye and left , leaving Harry and Louis in the living room .

"You didn't tell me you were coming ." Louis said shyly , Harry chuckled and walked closer , "Do I need a reason to visit my boyfriend ?"

"Maybe ." Louis giggled and looked up at him .

"Nice pants ." Harry teased , Louis swatted his chest , "Shut it , I just woke up an hour ago ." Harry laughed and put his arm around his waist , "You look so soft and cuddly , your hair is fluffy too ."

Louis reached up to fix his hair but Harry stopped him , "Leave it like that , you look cute ."

"O-okay ." Louis blushed deeper , Harry tipped his face up by his chin and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Let's go cuddle yeah ? I can barely resist this urge to hold you ."

Louis took Harry's hand and led him up to his room , closing the door behind them . Harry took off his shoes and sat on the bed , pulling Louis into him and falling backwards , both laughing a little .

They settled against the pillows , Harry ran his fingers up and down Louis' arm , "How's the new job ?"

"It's - it's okay I guess . I still need to practice approaching people , I'm so awkward at this ." He chuckled a little .

"You'll do great love , believe in yourself ." Harry kissed his cheek .

"How're things at the fire station ?" Louis asked , pushing a few curls behind Harry's ear .

"It's going great , the past two weeks have been kind of quiet , no major fires ." Harry sighed , "I've been teasing Liam lately , he's stuck on his phone texting Niall or calling him when he can ."

Louis giggled and nodded , "Yeah , I noticed that too about Niall . But let them be , they like each other ."

Harry chuckled and scooted closer , wincing a little .

"Are you okay ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , just - my back hurts a little ."

"I can give you a massage , I'm good at it ." Louis sat up on his elbow , Harry smiled at him , "It'll be lovely ."

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora