Ch. 11

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Enjoy the chapter x


"You still didn't tell me how was your date yesterday ." Harry asked Liam , while the two were on the treadmill at the firestation's gym .

Liam chuckled , "It was great . Niall is great . Smiles and laughs at everything . He has such beautiful eyes , I just - he's beautiful ."

"That's good . Now tell me about the date , not the person ."

"The date was great , I got some snacks and drinks , we sat at the park ."

"How was your first kiss ?"

"It was perfect . We were both laughing , like full on laughing and leaning on each other , I don't even remember what was so funny . Then we - we realized we're close , so it happened ." Liam said with a wide smile on . "How was your first kiss with Louis ?"

"I took Stone to the park , and Louis and I sat on a bench cuddling . So I asked if I can be his first kiss , and he said yes . It was perfect ."

"Sappy shit ." Liam laughed , Harry flipped him off .


It was two p.m and the station was quiet , Harry slumped back on the couch and pulled his phone out to call Louis .

"Hey Hazza ."

"Hello , tiny angel . How are you ?" Harry grinned at his soft voice .

"I'm good , you ? How's the shift going ?"

"I'm good too , the shift is quite boring actually . No events for now . What are you up to ?"

"I just finished washing the dishes from lunch , uhm Zayn is here with Niall and I and we're about to watch a movie ."

"Oh , what movie ?"

"Pixels , with Adam Sandler . I love this actor and I've been dying to watch this movie for a few months now ."

"I agree , Adam is really good . I've already watched the movie so I won't spoil it for you , enjoy watching . Also , I called to ask -"

Harry was cut off by the alarm going off , a call about a clothing store on fire rang through the station .

Harry jumped to his feet , "I'm very sorry angel but I need to go , we got a call . I'll call you in the evening , okay ?" Harry said quickly as he grabbed his black amber suit .

"Okay , be careful . Bye Hazza ."

"Bye baby ."

They hung up , Harry stuffed the phone into his pocket as he got into the firetruck with Liam and Oli .

Oli was driving while Liam and Harry were putting on their suits , oxygen tanks and helmets . They reached the street , black smoke was coming from inside the store . The police backed people away and closed the street , allowing the fire department to take control .

Harry and Liam jumped off the truck , the shift commander talked to the owners of the place before the turned off the electricity . (Note : In building fires you always shut the electricity off , because the firefighters can get electrocuted from the water and electricity combined .)

As soon as the shift commander gave them the que , Harry slung the firehose over his shoulder and started putting the fire out . It was difficult though , since there was a lot of material in the store .

Once Harry put out enough to get into the store , he walked in with another firefighter , each one taking a side .

It was dark inside , even though the sun was out they could barely see anything , both from the smoke and stuff around them .

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora