Ch. 6

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Enjoy the chapter x


The day after their date , it was one of Harry's days off . He woke up to Stone , his dog , laying next to him in bed , staring at him . He chuckled , "Morning , creep ." He pet his head , Stone grabbed the blankets in his teeth and pulled them off Harry before he could react .

Harry groaned , "You want the park again ?" Stone barked in response , making Harry chuckle , "I hope you don't mind me bringing a friend ?"

Stone just stared at him and waited for him to get out of bed , Harry laughed and pressed a kiss to his head , getting out of bed with Stone following .

He made himself breakfast and filled Stone's bowl with food and new water , he grabbed his phone and called Louis' number .

"Hello ?"

"Good morning , tiny angel ." Harry said with a smile .

"Good morning , Harry ." Harry could hear him blushing .

"What are you up to today ?"

"Uhm , nothing actually ."

"I'm taking my dog , Stone , to the park today . Would you like to join us ?"

"U-uh , I - I don't k-know ."

"Oh , Why ?" 

"Y-you said yesterday that your d-dog is big , and I - I uh .."

"Lou , he's trained , I promise . He's really sweet , he won't bite you or bark at you . Well only if he's excited to see you ." Harry chuckled a little , "I promise I won't let him do anything to you . Do you trust me ?"

"Y-yeah , I trust you . I'll come with you ."

"Okay . I'll pick you up in an hour , is that okay ?"

"Yeah . It's okay ."

"Good . See you soon ."

"See you soon , Harry ."

They hung up , Harry ate the rest of his breakfast with a smile on his face and turned to Stone , "We're having company today , be on your best behaviour , will you ?"


Harry parked outside Niall's house , where Louis was staying . He turned to stone , "Stay here , I'll be right back ."

Stone sat still in the backseat , Harry left the engine going as he ran up the pathway to the front door . He knocked on the door , Maura opened it and smiled at him , "Good morning , Harry ."

"Good morning , Maura ." He smiled back and hugged her .

"Louis , Harry is here !" Maura called towards the second floor , and soon enough Louis walked down the stairs with light blush on his cheeks .

"Hello ." Harry smiled at him , pulling him into a hug . He absolutely loved Louis' smell .

"Hi ." Louis smiled into Harry's chest , blushing slightly harder .

"Ready to go ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah ."

Harry took his small hand , smiling at how tiny it is compared to his own giant one . They said goodbye to Maura and walked out of the house .

"Stone , my dog , is in the backseat . I'm going to bring him out so you'll meet , okay ?" Harry turned to Louis , Louis nodded and took a deep breath , "Does h-he have a leash ?"

"Yes , and I won't let him jump on you ." Harry pecked his cheek as they reached the car , he let go of Louis' hand to open the backseat's door . He reached to grab Stone's leash , "Come on out , lad ."

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora