Ch. 2

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So , second chapter . Hoping for good .

Enjoy the chapter x


Harry was back at the station two days later , greeting Liam with a smile and a 'good morning' .

"Want to join me and Noah at the gym ?" Liam asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , I'll go change and join you ."

Once he was changed he went to the gym , going to the treadmill , where Liam was .

"Did you go to the hospital ?" Liam asked mid-running , a little out of breath .

"Yeah , I did ." Harry nodded , pressing the 'up' button a few times to pick up the speed .

"How was it ?"

"It was okay , he's quite cute . And shy ."

"How old is he ?" 

"Don't know ."

"Harry for god's sake , he can be underaged !"

"We haven't done anything beside talking , calm your ass down ."

"Think before you do anything , will you ?"

"Liam , I'm fucking twenty three years old , not five ."

"Sometimes you act like you are five ."

"Oh fuck you ."

They laughed , Noah joined them on the treadmills starting a conversation .


"Breakfast is ready !" Charlie called from the kitchen , Harry walked in and took a place near the table , Oli helped Charlie bring the food to the table .

Ben took a seat next to Harry , "Heard you went to see the boy you saved , is it true ?"

"Yeah , I had to see how he is , he wasn't taking the house collaping pretty well ." Harry sighed , "He's doing okay , recovering , his friends are there for him , that's all that matters ."

"Poor boy , I wouldn't want to know how he's feeling ." Ben shook his head lightly .

"Me neither . Wouldn't want to be in his shoes ." Harry nodded , "I'm planning on going to the funeral , I think all of us , who participated in the event , should go ."

"Yeah , we should ."

"After breakfast we'll talk to them . Oli , Liam , Charlie and Noah ."

"Deal ." Ben clapped Harry's shoulder and took himself a sun-side-up egg .


Harry was holding his phone , biting his lower lip . Should he call Niall , to talk to Louis ? Or shouldn't he ?

He needed to , if he wanted to know when the funeral is . He pressed his contact name and called , pressing the phone to his ear .

"Hello ?"

"Hey , Niall . This is Harry , Harry Styles . Remember me ?"

"Of course I do , you saved my best friend's life ."

Harry chuckled a little , "I uh , I called to let you know that the firefighters who participated in the fire and I are planning on coming to the funeral , of Louis' family . I called to ask if there's a date ."

"Yeah , it's in three weeks from today , on April 23rd , ten a.m at the local cemerty ."

"Alright , we'll be there ."

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora