Ch. 15

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Louis woke up to a warm body spooning him , immediately smiling . He turned over to face Harry , careful not to wake him up . Harry was still asleep , Louis smiled softly and traced his cheek with his finger .

He cuddled up to his chest , breathing in his smell . He flinched back when Harry's chest vibrated with a chuckle , "Did you just sniff me ?"

Louis' cheeks heated up , "Uh - k-kinda ? You smell good ." He said shyly , Harry laughed softly and shuffled down to his level , burying his face in his neck and sniffing in his smell while rubbing his nose on his warm skin .

Louis giggled and squirmed under him , "Hazza , that tickles ."

"Good to know ." Harry lifted his head up and winked , Louis whined a little but giggled again , "You're such a mean frog sometimes ."

"Frog ?" Harry raised his eyebrow , Louis nodded , "Yeah , you kind of look like a frog ."

"I think you look like a hedgehog ." Harry tapped his nose lightly , Louis giggled , "I look nothing like a hedgehog ."

"And I look nothing like a frog ." Harry chuckled , "Now give me a cuddle ." He brought Louis closer , Louis smiled and cuddled up to his chest .

"What do you say about going out for lunch ?" Harry asked and looked at the clock , "It's eleven a.m ."

"Mm , in a bit . I'm comfy ." Louis said , Harry smiled wider and squeezed him gently into his chest , "Tiny cuddle bug ."

"I'm not tiny ." Louis swatted his arm , Harry pulled back to look at him , raising his eyebrow , "How tall are you ?"

"5'9 ."

Harry threw his head back laughing , Louis pouted , "Stop laughing ! I am 5'9 ."

"You're not 5'9 Angel , Gemma is 5'9 and she's taller than you ." Harry pecked the tip of his nose , "But you're so adorable being tiny ."

"How tall are you ?" Louis looked up at him .

"I'm 6'4 ." Harry chuckled , "I'm a giant compared to you ."

"You're a giant compared to anyone ." Louis giggled , Harry laughed , "Yeah , that's true . I look a little intimidating ."

"I don't know how people can be afraid of you , you're an idiot ." Louis giggled again , Harry scrunched his nose and reached his hand down to tickle him , "An idiot , huh ?"

"W-wait !" Louis burst into giggles and squirmed around , trying to roll out of bed . Harry caught his waist before he could get out and pulled him back into his arms , wrapping them tightly around his small frame .

"Take it back and I'll let you go ." Harry squeezed him tightly , Louis shook his head giggling , "You're only proving that you're an idiot when you do this !"

"Then I'll just have to tickle you again ." Harry attached his fingers to his stomach , Louis threw his head back laughing and tried squirming away , "Stopstopstopstopstop ! Hazzaaaa !"

Harry laughed along with him and soon enough stopped , "Well , I guess I am quite an idiot ."

Louis was still giggling quietly , Harry rubbed his back softly when Niall walked into the room , "Did you just fuck or what ?"

Harry raised his eyebrow in confusion and Louis threw a pillow in Niall's direction , "Go away , pervert . We didn't do anything dirty ."

"Then why did I hear screaming ?" Niall threw the pillow back , Louis whined a little when the pillow hit him , "Harry was being mean and tortured me ."

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora