Ch. 12

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It's been three weeks since the incident , Harry is fully healed but was told not to put too much pressure on his shoulder for a while .

He walked into the station and signed himself in , greeting his shift commander and Oli , who was in the kitchen making breakfast .

"How is your shoulder ?" Oli asked , Harry cracked an egg into the pan , "It's much better , I don't feel any pain . But I shouldn't put a lot of pressure on it for a little while ."

Liam walked into the kitchen and greeted Harry with a pat on the back , "Hey mate ."

"Hey Li ." Harry smiled and took the egg off the pan , "How's everything ?"

"Everything is good . How is it being back at the station after three weeks ?"

"It's great , missed smelling like smoke and sweating rivers ." Harry chuckled , Liam laughed a little , "Let's hope today there won't be anything major , yeah ?"

"I mean , dumpsters would be nice . Maybe a bush , or a tree . Kind of missed riding on the truck ." Harry nodded and cracked another egg into the pan .


It was around five p.m when Charlie came over to Liam and Harry , who just finished washing one of the trucks , "Hey , there are two guys here saying they know you ."

Harry looked at Liam , who looked back at him , and they both laughed . They turned back to Charlie , "Bring them here , yeah ?"

Charlie nodded and walked away , Liam turned to Harry , "Did you know they're coming ?"

"No , did you ?"

"No ."

"Sneaky little ones ." They laughed again , when Charlie came back with Louis and Niall . Harry couldn't wipe the grin off his face , reminding himself how whipped over Louis he is . He turned the hose off and put it down , turning to greet Louis .

"Hey angel ." He wrapped his arms around him in a hug , Louis smiled and hugged him back , "Hi Hazza ."

Harry pressed a warm kiss to his cheek and pulled back a little to look at him , "You didn't tell me you were coming ."

"Yeah , Niall and I just finished a shift at the restaurant and didn't feel like going home yet , so we took the bus to come see you and Liam ." Louis explained , "How is your shoulder ?"

"It's okay , doesn't hurt . There was a call around noon but our team didn't go , so it's been quite boring ." Harry sighed , "I missed you , you know ?"

"You saw me yesterday ." Louis giggled a little , "But I missed you too ."

Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss him , when Niall called , "Lou ! Come here !"

Harry groaned and Louis giggled , turning his head to Niall who was waving at him from inside a firetruck . He raised his eyebrows and turned to Harry , "Are we allowed in ?"

"Well , you two are our guests , so yeah ." Harry nodded and led Louis to the truck , he opened the door to the seat next to the driver and let Louis climb up . He joined him and took his helmet , placing it on Louis' head .

Louis looked around the inside of the firetruck , positioning the helmet on his head , since it was big . Harry took his phone out and turned the front camera towards them , "Smile ." He wrapped an arm around Louis , Louis smiled shyly at the camera and Harry took the picture .

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora