Ch. 9

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Enjoy the chapter x


Harry woke up to Stone licking his cheek , he laughed sleepily and pushed him away , "I'm up , I'm up you beast ."

Stone jumped off the bed and barked for Harry to join him , Harry turned to lie on his front , "What do you want to do today ?"

Stone stared at him and wagged his tail , Harry chuckled to himself , "Are you going to answer me ?"

Stone just kept staring , Harry rolled his eyes and reached for his phone , "What do you say about inviting Louis over for breakfast ?"

Stone barked as an answer , Harry chuckled and patted the bed , "Come here , let's call him ."

Stone jumped next to him as he reached over to his phone from the nightstand , calling Louis . He answered after a few rings .

"Hello ?"

"Good morning , tiny angel ." Harry smiled .

"Morning , Hazza ."

"Stone woke me up a few minutes ago , and we thought you could join us for breakfast , what do you say ?"

"Sure , sounds great ."

"Okay , then I'll come to pick you up in a bit , okay ? Stone misses you too . Say hi bud ," Harry held his phone towards Stone , who barked excitedly . He pressed the phone back to his ear to hear Louis giggling .

"I'll go get ready , then ."

"Alright , see you soon ."

"See you two soon ."

They hung up , Harry sat up and scratched behind Stone's ear , "I want you on your best behaviour around Louis , yeah ?"

Stone wagged his tail and licked his cheek , making Harry chuckle and scrunch his face , "I'll take that as a yes , then ."


Harry knocked on the door , Louis opened it and smiled at him , "Hey ."

"Hi ." Harry smiled and walked in .

"I just need my shoes and we can go ." Louis took his shoes from the entrace and walked with Harry into the living room , he sat on the couch and pulled his shoes on .

Harry took Louis' hand and they walked out of the house , waving goodbye to Maura .

"Stone is excited to see you again ." Harry smiled at him , "He didn't miss you as much as I did though ."

Louis giggled and blushed lightly , "I missed you too ."


Harry unlocked the front door and the two walked inside , Stone ran up to them wagging his tail happily . When he saw Louis he sat down in front of him and nudged his hand with his nose , Louis smiled at him and crouched down to his height , petting him softly .

Harry smiled at them and closed the door , "I'll start making breakfast ." He told Louis and walked to the kitchen , Louis stood up and followed him , "Can I help ?"

"Sure ." Harry smiled at him and took ingredients from the fridge .

"I'm just warning you , I'm not the best cook ." Louis bit his lip and giggled to himself , "I tried making something before and it tasted horrible ."

Harry laughed a little , "Well it's okay , because I'm here to make sure you don't mess up ." He placed bacon , eggs and bread near the stove , "Come here ."

Fireproof ~Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) (Short Fic) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora