Chapter 5: Woods and Wolves

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Riley's P.O.V

I sneak into my bedroom window expecting Owen to be there waiting to lecture me but he's not. I walk out of my room and go a cross the hall into his room but he's not there either.

" Mom have you seen Owen? "

I ask walking into the kitchen.

" No he didn't come home last night. "

My mom can't control what he does, he lives here but he's not her child.

" I'm going to try to find him I will have my phone call me if he comes back. "

I hurriedly rush out the door forgetting all about Brooke's. I rush into the woods where he usually goes.

" Owen! Owen where the hell are you! "

I yell walking around. Tears build up in my eyes.

What if something happened to him at the party? It's all my fault I should have checked on him!

I walk further and further into the woods and still can't find him. I turn around to go back home but when I do my house is out of sight.

I'm lost!

I walk around for a while and end up tripping on a root and falling on the ground. I sit there on the ground and silently cry but not because I'm lost, what if Owen has been hurt or worse? Owen never abandons me at party's even when I get drunk and pass out he will carry me home.

As I'm sitting there losing my mind I hear a twig snap. I jerk my head up and see a unfamiliar wolf eyeing me suspiciously. The wolf starts growling and I bow my head in submission as a sign of respect.

" I'm sorry if I'm trespassing I wondered off and got lost. "

I say but the wolf just growls louder. I hear him walking towards me and I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the attack but then out of no where another wolf jumps in front of me growling at the first wolf. I look up and see that it's Owen in wolf form.

They continue to growl at each other starring each other down without even blinking. I can tell their mind linking each other and eventually the wolf glares at me one last time before retreating. Owen turns back to me and starts to bark and growl like he's scolding me.

" Owen I have told you this before I can't speak wolf. "

He huffs and sits next to me annoyed. I know he can't change back into human form because he's still mad and when he's mad in wolf form he can't change back into a human.

" And you shouldn't even be scolding me I was worried sick! You didn't come home last night and you didn't call me to say why! I thought someone hurt you, you prick! "

I yell at him my emotions getting the best of me. He tilts his head and whines and suddenly I realize I'm crying again. He scoots closer to me and licks a tear off my face then lays down with his head in my lap looking up at me.

" I'm sorry I called you a prick I was just worried. "

I tell him and he closes his eyes. I can feel his body slowly relax and become less stiff. He stands up and kneels down on his two front paws.

" I can walk you know? "

He looks at me then looks at my leg, I look down to realize that my leg is bleeding with cuts all over it. I must have scrapped it when I fell.

" Fine. "

I sigh annoyed and I can practically see his wining smirk. I climb on his back gripping his fur to hold on like I've done many times before and when he knows I'm on he takes off running.

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