Chapter 25: Don't Forget

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Riley's P.O.V

" Want to go to the beach? "

Owen ask me laying down next to me on the bed.

" I don't know. "

I say monotone. I need to perk up and get up after all I don't have much more time to spend with Owen but I don't know if the beach is a good idea since Trent may be there.

" How about we go to a party or club or something of that sort? "

I ask him.

" Sure my friend is throwing a party not to far from here he says it's his last night as a free man because of the mate thing. "

Owen says shaking his head laughing. I get up and go to my suite case to try to find something to wear and I finally settle for a pair of faded shorts and a short sleeved black shirt. I would wear jeans but it's way to hot for that. I look at Owen who's going threw his suit case trying to find a clean shirt and I'm terrified knowing only five days are left for us to spend time together.


Hours later we are at the party and most people here are wolves enjoying their last night as free and single men and women. I watch laughing as Owen chugs buckets of all sorts of alcohol all because of his friend challenging him to a drinking contest.

Men never say no to a competition.

The smell of alcohol in this small room starts to get to much so I step out to take a breather. The air smells like like the ocean and although the wind is strong it's warm and calming.

" Heyyyy "

I hear Owen slur minutes later walking up and slinging his arm around me most likely so he doesn't fall.

" I'm guessing you won. "

I laugh as he struggles to stand.

" I always do I am the champ! "

I roll my eyes laughing. Even when he's drunk he's vain.

" Well before you get yourself into any trouble we should go. "

I say leading him to the car his friend said we could borrow for the week. Turns out his friend who threw this party is rich and has cars to spare. I help Owen into the passenger seat and it takes us only a few minutes to get back to the beach house but takes us forever to climb the steps due to his drunk self.

" Those stairs are like Mount Everest! "

He says falling down dramatically onto the bed.

" That's because your a drunk tard. "

I point out and he laughs for five minutes straight. Drunk and crazy don't mix well apparently.

I grab my pajamas and start to change into them. When I feel Owen come up behind me, I turn around giving him a confused look as he stares at me.

" You're so beautiful. "

He tells me smiling. My face heats up for some reason.

" And you're so drunk. "

I laugh helping him back to the bed.

" Yeah but you're beautiful even when I'm not drunk. "

He says knowingly and my face heats. I help him into bed and go to walk away after he's settled but suddenly he pulls me roughly by my hand causing me to fall on top of him. I stare at him confused and try not to pay to much attention to how close our faces are and how our bodies are firmly pressed against each other.

I've tackled him on the bed jokingly before so this isn't anything new but why does this feel so different?

" I wish we could stay like this forever. "

He says his voice coated in sadness. I don't know what to do as I stare at him confused by his actions.

He caresses my face and I just keep starring in a trance not knowing what to do or what exactly is happening. He slowly sits up a little and leans in kissing me. His lips fit perfectly against mine as they move slowly in sync with mine.

Why am I kissing back?

I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer and he does the same wrapping his arm around my waist. Anyone else who walked in on this would think this is driven by lust but it doesn't feel like lust, it feels like all of our emotions are some how put into our actions.

Owen's just a friend.

So why does this feel so right?

I suddenly realize how strong the taste of alcohol is and pull back.

" You're drunk this isn't right. "

I say to him and to myself. I quickly get up distancing myself from him.

This isn't Owen he doesn't feel like that towards me he's just drunk, he's not thinking clearly.

" I may be drunk but this is right. "

He slurs and if he didn't slur his words so much I would have believed him.

" Get some sleep I will be in the other room. "

I tell him and he looks like a sad puppy. I put Advil on the side table with a glass of water for when he wakes up. Not long after he's knocked out. I go to leave the room but stop in the door way and look back at him sleeping peacefully.

Only four days left after tonight and then he will have a new life, a new best friend, a soul mate.

I walk over to the bed looking at him with millions of emotions clouding my eyes. I bend down and press a simple kiss on his lips.

" Please don't forget me. "

I whisper.

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