Chapter 28: Dresses and Promises

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" Time to go dress shopping! "

Owen yells fist pumping the air and getting strange looks from people while we walk by.

" You sound more excited then me to go dress shopping, do you need to confess something? "

I tease him nudging him in the ribs.

" I get to watch you try on dresses what's not exciting about that? "

I roll my eyes.

" It's not like by me trying on dresses that you're getting any action. "

He sticks out his bottom lip pouting.

" But I've been so behaved. "

" You almost killed that guy at the tux shop. "

I point out.

" He's the horn dog who was starring at you when he's clearly old as fucking America. "

" America isn't that old.  "

He huffs and glares at me for correcting him but doesn't say anything. Were walking around trying to find a store to look in and that's when I spot him.

Not to far away the guy who had threatened me with a knife and tried to rape me was standing with a group of guys laughing and starring at me.

No he's dead! Trent killed him! Wait Trent is a vampire and if this guy isn't dead then....oh my fucking god I'm going to die!

I quickly yank Owen's hand into the closest store near us which happens to be Macy's.

" Are you okay? All of a sudden you seem in a rush. "

Owen ask me as were quickly walking threw the store.

" I'm just in a hurry to find a dress and leave. I'm just tired from waking up early. "

I glance at him to see if he believes me and he doesn't look convinced but doesn't say anything.

Okay as long as I stay by Owen's side the whole time I should be okay. Owen has been a wolf way longer then that guy has been a vampire so he can easily over power him. Just stay with Owen.

We both grab a handful of dresses and go into the fitting room to try them on, yes Owen goes in the fitting room with me despite the disapproving looks we get.

" We should have went to Victoria Secret. "

Owen snickers as I try on the first dress trying to put it on quickly so that he doesn't see the damage the guy had done. It would be easier to hide if I just told him to wait outside but that guy saw me and the only thing between me and him is Owen.

" Wait. "

He says and I freeze.

" Where did those marks come from? "

He ask me standing up and looking at my waist on both sides.

That's where he gripped me.

Then Owen looks at me arm and there's another bruise.

That's where he yanked me.

Lastly he told me to turn around and saw the worse one of all that was on my back.

That's from where I hit the brick wall.

I hear him growl lowly as he stares at my marks.

" Who did this to you? "

He ask me trying to keep his voice low despite his anger.

" It's okay it's over now. "

At least I hope it is.

" Riley look at me. "

Owen says and I turn around.

" If you tell me who did this I won't let them near you, you don't have to be scared.  "

I'm not scared I'm ashamed! The way that guy moved against me just was so disgusting! The way he treated me made me feel so weak! I don't want anyone to know what happened!

" Please don't make me talk about it. "

I say choking out a sob. Owen's expression suddenly changes from serious and deadly to guilty and concerned.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. "

He says pulling me into a hug.

" I just hate to see you hurt. "

" It's okay. "

We hug for a while and when we finally pull away I turn to go back to putting on dresses but Owen stops me.

" Just promise me one thing. "

He says and I stare at him waiting for him to continue.

" If this person tries anything again promise me you will tell me? "

I nod.

" I promise. "

He gives me a small smile and let's go of my hand letting me go back to trying on dresses.

Who ever ends up being his mate is going to be one lucky girl.

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