Chapter 40: Chicken

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Riley's P.O.V

" You know that's like your twelfth s'more right? "

Owen informs me laughing as I stuff the s'more into my mouth, while we are walking on a small bridge.

" Yes and frankly I'm disappointed in myself. I thought I could eat at least twenty. "

I say sighing as I lick the rest of the chocolate off my hands. Don't even say ew, you know you do the same.

" have you ever noticed that nearly all bridge scenes in movies are sad? Like as beautiful as the scenery typical is on a bridge you would think it would be happy. Nope, instead they think * lets make them drown in the lake of the bridge * "

I say jumping up on the railing.

" You know, I think you are the only person who has these thoughts. "

Owen says laughing and shaking his head at me.

" and you will only add to those stories by what you're doing. "

He says, as I stand up slowly on the railing and start to walk on the edge of it. Despite there being a huge fall from the bridge to the rocky creek below it.

" Come on! Live on the edge a little Owen! Don't you want our last days to be exciting and unforgettable? "

" Yes but I want our last days to not be our last days on earth. "

I roll my eyes at him smiling as I continue to ignore his negative thoughts. That is until he quickly and smoothly latches onto my waist, pulling me off the railing and onto the ground.

" Buzz kill! "

I exclaim, playfully hitting him.

" I just saved your life thank you! "

" From what? The fun train? "

He raises an eyebrow, smirking.

" Really? Fun train Riley? "

" Don't ignore the question! "

" Sorry I just can't have these kind of conversations with a child. "

He smirks while patting me on the head. I glare at him hard enough to leave a hole in his head.

" You know, I bet you can't do one risky thing in your life. "

I challenge, crossing my arms.

" Oh really? Because I bet I can. "

I smile wickedly as I hear those words come out of his mouth.

" I regret saying that now that I realize I'm alone, with you, on a bridge and in the middle of no where. "

" If I wanted to murder you I would have done that a long time ago....not that I haven't thought of doing it a time or two."

" Wait what? "

" So are you up for a challenge? "

I ask, smirking as I look up at him, challenging him.

" I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into first. "

" Chicken! "

I scream at the top of my lungs.

" Am not! I just think it's reasonable to want to know what I'm getting into, that's all. "

" Oh, I see. "

I say, slowly leaning in to whisper in his ear.


I scream when I get close enough, making him screech in terror and back away. I laugh evils as he covers his ears in pain.

" You're evil! "

" Yep, you still love me though. "

I tease, batting my eyelashes as he glares.

" Now just agree you chicken! "

" Fine! I agree! Nothing can be worse than your screaming. "

He mutters the last part bitterly as I snicker at him.

" Now what do I have to do? Lick a homeless dudes ass? Drink cow diarrhea? "

" The last one is tempting but no. "

" What then? "

He questions.

" We are going to spend the night on the bridge, right now. No going back to the house for extra clothes or blankets or bug spray or anything! Just us and nature. "

His face looks dumbfounded by the words I just said.

" But why would we even want to do that? "

" It's a beautiful night, this bridge is the kind only people walk on so no cars will come and the view is beautiful. Why not? "

He shakes his head at me, sighing.

" If I get murdered by some axe dude or angry troll under the bridge I'm coming back to haunt your ass. "

" What if I die too smart guy? "

" Then I will just get to annoy your dumb ass for an eternity in hell. "

I laugh and the next thing I know it's been hours since we started talking. We talk about everything and anything, stupid things and serious things and just plain weird things. Despite the mosquitos pestering us it's nice, the sound of the creek and crickets in the background mixed in with the moonlight makes it a night to remember. Amazing how scenery can have such an effect on people or maybe it's just me.

The truth is, I didn't want to go back to the house. The days seem to be getting shorter and with only three days left it feels like I'm losing Owen, in a way I am. Even if he won't say it we both know it. Once he finds his mate she will become his world and that's when our world that we made will be destroyed. I might be there but things will be completely different and for the first time I won't have all of him because she will.

I've always had Owen by my side and it scares me to think of a life without him.

Every moment, every second counts because these are our last moments as just Riley and Owen in our own world. In only three days our worlds will be a part and we will have to learn to live a part. Although I've come to terms with this, as I look at Owen laughing and smiling as he tells me a memory he has from a child I don't think he realizes it at all.

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