Chapter 26: Morning Mess

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Riley's P.O.V

I watch the sun rise and tiredly rub my eyes. I didn't get much sleep last night but I guess my mind was to confused to rest. After all your best friend kissing you for a non dare related thing is a shock. I turn the coffee pot on so that Owen will have some already fixed when he wakes up.

His lips move in sync with mine.

I touch my lips for a brief moment but then quickly shake the memory from my head.

He was drunk he probably thought you were some other girl.

I tell myself.

" I feel like I've been hit by a bus. "

I jump in shock as Owen enters the kitchen clutching his forehead.

How am I suppose to act? Do I act like it never happened? Is that what he wants me to do? Was that kiss simply a game of some sort that I wasn't aware of?

" Oh I didn't expect you to be up so early? You drunk a lot yesterday. "

I say pouring him a cup of coffee and putting sugar and creamer in it before handing it to him. I glance at him to see if he's acting any different as I fix my own cup of coffee.

" Did I? I was so drunk I don't remember anything. "

He says laughing but then groaning in pain from being to loud.

" Oh you don't remember anything? "

" Nope last thing I remember is saying yes to a drinking game. Why? Did I do something stupid? I didn't catch myself on fire again did I? "

He ask his eyes widening as he inspects himself for injuries.

I want to tell him what happened but in reality it would only complicate things, after all in four days the kiss will be nothing more then a accident in his past.

" Are you okay Riley? You look sad. "

He questions taking my hand in his to try to comfort me.

" I'm fine so what do you want to do today? "

I ask quickly changing the subject and moving to the couch away from him.

Owen's P.O.V

Maybe it's just my headache throwing my instincts off but Riley seems bothered by something. I just held her hand like I always do when I want to comfort her but she was quick to distant herself from me. Did I do something stupid while I was drunk? Great four days left and its awkward between us!

" I don't really mind what we do the point is to just have fun with each other for the time being. "

I say shrugging my shoulders and I see hurt flash a cross her face for a mere second before it vanishes. What did I say?

" Maybe we should go ahead and go shopping for the ball so we don't have to worry about it later on? "

I don't even want to think about that ball right now.

" Yeah sounds good. "

She nods.

" I'll go get dressed and we can leave. "

I follow her into the room to get dressed too and she goes into the bathroom to change in privacy.

Please don't let her be hurt by me.

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