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Lillian's P.O.V ( Owen's mom )

I walk into my old room and take in the scent, besides the photos of my family everything looks the same but the air tells me time has clearly flown by. It's no longer mine and my husbands scent that fill the room, now it only smells like cleaning supplies. Over time the room will eventually have my scent.

I put my suitcase on the bed and start unpacking, moments later I zone out until someone burst into my room. I look up to see no other then my ex husband, red faced as usual.

" I told you to stay away from me Patrick did I not make myself clear? "

" You need to get a fucking leash on that boy of yours! "

He screams at me buy I don't flinch. He's always had a bad temper so I'm used to it, he never hit me though until our last argument that ended with a divorce.

" Owen? I swear if you hurt that boy I will cut your dick off and feed it to the wolf pups. "

I hiss at him getting in his face. Yes he hit me in the past and I should probably be afraid but I'm not, despite his tempter and strength he's weaker then anyone.

" He's still with that human trash! It's almost the night of the ball and he's still with her! He's lost his fucking mind! "

He rants, clearly ignoring my previous comment. I scoff and walk back over to my suit case unpacking.

" That shows how much you know about their relationship, Owen wouldn't leave that little girls side since the day he met her. "

" It's not healthy! She's a killer! "

" She's the killer? Says the one who tried to kill her! If anyone is a killer it's you. Besides why do you care? You haven't ever been a father to him so don't even use that excuse. "

" Well at least I'm blood related! "

I drop the clothes I had in my hand and went up to him glaring.

" I may not be blood and I may not have birthed him but I'm more of a parent then you or that mate of yours has ever been! "

" Yeah well let's see how much he loves his * mom * when he finds out she isn't even his real mom! "

" If you tell I won't hesitate to send this pack on you! "

" You have no power over me women! I may not be the Alpha anymore but you're still no Luna! "

" The pack respects me, I tend to them like their my own children so I'm positive they will understand why I don't want an abusive drunk around me or my children. "

Suddenly, and surprisingly he backs down and sits on the bed putting his head in his hands.

" How did I get to this place Lillian? My life used to be so different. "

He whispers, tears streaming down his face. I see a glimpse of the man I once knew and can't help but feel the need to comfort him.

" I know how you feel about losing her Patrick but you need to move on, it's been years. "

" I can't! "

He screams returning to the Patrick I now know.

" Do you think it was easy for me? I'm trying to help you, you prick! After I have suffered through your insults, raised your kid, taken a beating, you would think I would kill you but I'm trying to help you! You have a son! A blood born son and you take him for granite! You know what I would do to be able to have a kid of my own? "

Apparently not all women can have kids and I'm one of them, men consider me lucky to not have to use protection but I've always wanted kids of my own. I thought that I was destined for an eternity of loneliness but then Patrick ,add a offer I couldn't refuse.

Flashback-----------------------------( 18 years ago )

" Another one! "

I chant at the bartender who shakes his head like a scolding father.

" Isn't this your tenth beer? "

" Do I look like a light weight drinker? Fuck off! "

I see out of the corner of my eye someone sit down on the stool beside me but I could care less, I've lost everything, I could really care less who this person is unless it's the grim reaper.

" What happened to you? "

The guy next to me ask, I take in his scent and can tell he's a wolf as well. I look over at him and he looks like a mess, his white shirt has stains all over it, he hasn't shaved, his hair is all messy, and his jeans aren't even buttoned. He looks like a total creep but it's not like I have anything left to lose.

" I'm a half breed a werewolf and human, I was the outcome of a one night stand, my mom never met the dude again and so she never found out he was a wolf, I found my mate, she didn't approve, I ran away with him, and then we got into a car crash a few months later and he died. "

I say trying to make it as short as possible. I could never go back to my parents, I'm to ashamed and it's not like I have friends at my school, I'm the anti social freak.

I look at him but he seems emotionless, his eyes remind my of a bottomless pit and I know just by looking in them that the girls who fall in never get out.

" What about you? You look like shit. "

I say taking another swig of my beer.

" My mate was in love with another guy when I met her but she didn't tell me, well I thought we were going great even had a kid on the thing I know the day she comes home from the hospital I go to the store to get her, her favorite ice cream and I come back and she's gone and the baby is crying non stop. "

I wait for him to continue and he takes a deep breath in then carries on.

" She left a note explaining she was in love with some dude before she met me and realized she couldn't * pretend * to be happy anymore, her words not mine. "

Wow and I thought I had it bad, I mean yeah my mate is gone forever but he didn't have a choice she did.

" So it's just you and your baby? "

I ask sadly.

" The pack helps out a little. "

He says shrugging like its no big deal.

" If you want I could be the kids nanny or something? I don't really have anything to do, hell I don't know where to even go. "

He looks at me as if a light bulb went off in his brain.

" My pack needs a Luna and my kid needs a mom and you need a place to stay......"

" want me to be a Luna? AND for me to play mommy? Are you insane! "

" All you have to do is hang out with the pack and prove yourself, tell them your story and we can fake our romance and you can raise the kid! Everyone wins! "

Except the kid.

My mind says but I ignore it, after all I'm only 19 with no high school diploma or GED so it's not like I have many options.


It started out as an agreement, strictly as a play when people were watching but we would never do anything behind closed doors. I started to fall for him and things got heated, quickly. We had both lost our mates and understood what we were both going through.

Time went by and I saw Owen as my own son, I always planned to tell him I wasn't his birth mom but always feared the worst.

Having a dad abandoned you is one thing but knowing both of your parents did is heart breaking, I'm scared he won't be able to handle it.   

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