Chapter 38: Cinderella

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Carriage above! Ignore the random people in it, this is actually a carriage at the Festival of Lights!

Riley's P.O.V

I look out the window excitedly, we have been in the car for about thirty minutes now and I'm dying of excitement!

" Are we there yet? "

I whine as Owen rolls his eyes but manages to stay on the road.

" We will get there when we get there. "

He says annoyed, did I mention I've asked him that same question about a hundred times already?

Suddenly I see a tunnel full of lights coming up and I let out a high pitched squeal as we ride into it, my eyes dance along the beautiful rainbow lights and I roll my window down and put half my body out of it screaming out the window and listening to it echo back.

" Riley get your ass back in this car! I don't want to take a trip to the emergency room! "

Owen scolds.

" Suck my ass! "

I scream at the top of my lungs into the tunnel and then go into a fit of laughter.

" Are you flirting with me Riley? "

Owen teases and I roll my eyes.

We get to the end of the tunnel and my eyes widen at all of the beautiful lights that are covering all of the trees and buildings. Owen parks the car and I jump out excitedly jumping up and down, looking around.

" Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! "

I yell at him and jump onto his back, kicking his side like you do with a horse to make them trot.

" I'm not a horse. "

He says amused but doesn't make me get down.

" You are now! Go horsey! "

He roles his eyes, a smirk playing at his lips. As he's walking I look around and I'm so distracted by the lights on top of the buildings that I don't notice that Owen has stopped walking.

" Why did you stop? "

I question.

" Have you seriously not noticed the big ass carriage in front of us? "

He laughs and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and follow his gaze to a carriage that looks similar to a Cinderella carriage, my mouth drops.

" Is that for me? "

I ask, starring at it.

" Well it's either this or I would have to carry you around all night. "

I laugh and jump off of his back, kissing his cheek and running up to the carriage.

" This is so fucking cool! How did you even get this? "

He puts his hands in his pocket and shrugs.

" Well they do horse carriage rides, I figured you would like it. "

He responds, seeming shy for some reason.

" Well come on! Get in! "

I yell at him and take his hand, yanking him over to the carriage and getting in.

" All set? "

The man who's in charge of the horses ask.

" Yes sir. "

Owen answers for us.

" Do you think he's the cat from Cinderella? "

I whisper to Owen who looks at me like I'm stupid.

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