Chapter 29: Man Card

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I finally decided on a dress that I had tried on when Owen went to the bathroom and I refused to show him the dress, so now we are walking around the mall with him pouting like a child.

" Why do you want to see it so bad anyway? "

I ask him amused.

" You're like my sister it's my job to make sure it's appropriate to wear around hormonal boys who are also dogs literally."

I ignore him calling me his sister.

" You do know you're one of those hormonal boys who is also a dog right? "

I ask laughing.

" That's different. "

He grumbles and I roll my eyes.

" Sure it is. "

By the time we get out the of the mall it's dark outside and I see a huge Ferris wheel lighting up the sky. A smile makes its way onto my face and I look at Owen who is already looking at me.

" I know my choices are immediately bring you to the fair or get annoyed to death to the point where I have to bring you to the fair so I will just go with the first option. "

He tells me.

" You know me so well. "

I tease and then jump up onto his back and hook my legs on his side as he walks.

" What exactly are you doing? "

He ask me amused.

" Being lazy now onward slave! "

He rolls his eyes but I see a smile tugging on his lips. We get to the fair and I see a roller coaster that's called " The Ring Of Fire " and I immediately fall in love with it.

" I wanna go on that! "

I say excitedly and point to the roller coaster.

" Out of all the fucking death traps here you pick the one involved with fire? Why am I surprised by this? "

" Come on plenty of people have been on it and not died! "

" and I'd like to keep it that way! I am not going on that and that's final! "

~ An Hour Later~ ( Owen's P.O.V )

I can't believe I let her talk me into this! I mean a roller coaster with fire? This doesn't sound safe at all?

The guy working the roller coaster goes around and makes sure everyone is strapped in and I'm just thinking of how the hell I'm supposed to act like this doesn't scare the shit out of me, I'm the guy! I can't act like a wuss! Especially when Riley is smiling so big that I know her face has to hurt at least a little, she's not scared so I definitely can't be scared.

The ride starts and I tense up as Riley continues to smile. I thought wolves enjoyed adrenaline more them humans, guess I was wrong.

The ride starts off slow going up a huge hill adding to everyone's suspense. We get to the top and sense me and Riley are in the very front were over looking the whole fair. Did I mention I have a fear of heights? Normal heights like bunk beds, tall trees, and shit like that I can do because if I fall I break a bone at most.

If I fall from heights like this I'm going straight to hell.

" Are you ready? "

Riley ask me smiling but before I can even answer the roller coaster plummets down and shoots threw the air, going threw a ring and some how lands back on the tracks. It does this repeatedly getting faster and faster while Riley is screaming "faster! "

Then there's me who has lost his man card from this death trap and is screaming things like " get me the fuck off this thing! ", " I'm going to fucking die! ", and " shit! Shit!shit! Shit! "

Not one of my proudest moments.

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