~ Natural Love ~

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This is the sequel to my 1st book Love Comes Naturaly. Hope you guys like this book. 

CHARACTERS: louis, Zayn, Liam, Jill, Harry, Bridget, Niall, and Briana

Louis & Zayn are single 

Liam & Jill are dating they have been together for 1week now. Their relationship will change big time in this book. 

Harry & Bridget Harry fancies Bridget and she fancies him back, but with the age difference its hard for them to do anything about their feelings

Niall & Briana they have been dating for 2weeks now. They couldn't be any happier together. They came up with the ship name Briall. They will have a little suprise coming their way in this book. :)


(Niall's P.O.V)

     The girls have been living with us for 2weeks now. They were supposed to leave 3days ago, but they decided to stay with us for the whole summer. I'm glad they didn't leave I would have been crushed if Briana had to leave me that soon. I think no I know I'm in love with her! I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. "Come in," I said to whoever was outside. The door cracked open and in walked Jill. "Hey Jill what's up?" I asked confused because she never comes in my room. "Well since Briana went to the park with Harry, Bridget, and Louis I thought it would be a good time to talk to you about her birthday." "Ok ya her birthday is in a week right?" I asked. "YUPP" she said popping the P. "Ok she will be 17, so its gotta be an amazing party!" I told Jill. "Well yall are famous so if any one can throw a kick ass party it will be guys" she said. "Ok well I'll think about it and me, you, Bridget, and the boys can talk about it tonight when Briana falls asleep," I told her. "OK sounds good," she replied.

  Just then Briana walked in and said, "what sounds good?" "ummmm" Jill said. I jumped in and said, "Going to Nando's for lunch sounds good why don't you go ask the other lads babe?"  "Ok that sounds good to me too, so I'll go tell the other lads now." Briana said and walked out of our room. "Good save Niall I almost blew it," Jill said. "Ya no problem I knew you were gunna blow it so I just made something up, so i guess we are going to Nando's now," I replied. She just laughed and walked out of my room to go get ready. 

I changed out of my pajama's and put on my black skinny jeans and my purple jacket with a white t-shirt under it. I walked out of my room and saw everybody sitting on the couch waiting for me. When Bridget saw me she just started laughing her ass off, and Briana just looked gobsmacked. "What's wrong with you two?" I asked a bit confused. "Briana do you see what I see right now?" Bridget asked. "Ya Bridget now shut the hell up!" Briana answered. "What's wrong with what you see?" I asked even more confused now. When Jill finally looked up and seen me she started laughing too. "Niall its nothing Briana just hates that jacket," Jill said. "Aww what why she has never seen me in this jacket before," I said. "Ohh yes she has Niall she has seen you in that jacket a lot of times!" Bridget said between laughs. "what?" I asked confused. "OK I'll explain this," Briana finally spoke up and said. "Ya see I have always been a fan of you guys, and I'm not gunna lie I have your keychain, watch, cup, and a whole bunch of your guys posters, I even have a balloon with you guys on it." "And in alomost every picture I have of you Niall you have that jacket on! Your doll even has on that jacket." She finally finished up and said. "I do not always wear this in my pictures!" I told her. "Ohhh really?" she said pulling out her phone. She then showed me like 10 pictures she had of me and I was wearing this jacket. "OK you were right," I told her."I knew i was right" she said The other lads were laughing so hard that Louis had to get up to pee. "whatever tho can we just leave now I'm starving!" Bridget yelled. "YA we can leave now." me and Briana said together. So we grabbed the keys to our rental car which is a van now, so we all can fit and left.

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