Just a Little Excited

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this is so cheesy but bare with me

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this is so cheesy but bare with me.

Imagine sitting in the car with Keith, who was practically jumping up and down in his seat out of excitement.

"Keith, calm down you're going to get us in a wreck!" You said but couldn't help laughing, you were just as happy as he was.

You'd just told him that the two of you were going to be parents soon. He finally pulled into the parking lot of the place where the band's rehearsal was going to be at. He turned immediately to you.

He grabbed your hand, giving it as many kisses as he possibly could before he held it up to his face, resting his cheek against it as he sighed.

"I'm so happy."

"I can tell," you teased.

He unbuckled himself and leaned over, grabbing your face and pressing his lips to yours. You smiled against his lips as he began to pull you downwards so he could lay in your lap. You pulled away to look at his excited face. His eyes seemed bigger and had so much light in them, a smile was playing on his lips and didn't look like it was going anywhere anytime soon.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He said, his eyes widening, making them even bigger than they already were.

You giggled. You were feeling the same way he was, a little scared but wildly happy.

He jumped up suddenly, startling you a bit as he always did.

"Let's go tell the boys!"

He practically flew out of the car and into the rehearsal hall and you merely attempted to keep up with him. Once you entered the room, he was already seated on his drum kit playing with the cymbals with a huge grin on his face.

"What's got him so hyper? Well, I mean more than usual," Roger said as you entered the room.

You glanced over at Keith, who was about to burst with excitement as he waited for you to give him the cue.

"Keith, do you wanna do it, or should I-"

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He said, jumping out of his seat and into the air.

You shook your head as you watched him twirl around like the loon he is.

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