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Imagine laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. You had just had a huge fight with your best friend and you didn't know how else to handle it so you settled on sleeping it off, but that wasn't going so well. You let out a frustrated sigh and put a pillow over your face to keep your eyes shut, but even that didn't work. You groaned into the pillow. There was a soft knock on the door soon after.

"What?" You said, your voice muffled through the pillow.

"Thought you might like some company," Keith said quietly.

You removed the pillow from your face to see him standing there with two cups of tea in his hands and that little smile of his on his face. You couldn't help but smile back.

"You're too much, you know that right?" You said, sitting up and scootching over to make room for him.

"I know," he said with a smirk as he handed you your tea.

You scoffed teasingly and gave him a slap on the chest.

"Hey!" He said, laughing as some of his tea spilled onto you instead of him.

The two of you started laughing and attempted to keep more tea from spilling, but it proved quite difficult. Once the laughter died down though you finally got to taste it.

"Awh," you said after a sip, "you got my favorite kind."

"Would you expect anything less from yours truly?" He said proudly.

"Oh shush," you said before taking another sip, your eyes staying focused on him over your cup.

He gave you a soft smile, "are you feeling any better now, love?"

You set your tea on the table and moved closer to him so you could wrap your arms around him and bury your face in the crook of his neck. He smelled of cigarettes and cologne and it was more than comforting to you. You sighed into him, squeezing him tighter as he kissed the side of your head.

"Yes, I feel much better now," you said, keeping him tight in your arms.

"Are you sure you don't need any more comforting for tonight?" He said in a sly voice.

You pulled away and raised an eyebrow at his smirk.

"It was only a suggestion," he said with a sly look.

The biggest smile spread across your face as you studied him sitting criss crossed in front of you. He looked like such a kid with his messy brown hair, those puppy eyes looking back at you and the little smile on his face. Just looking at him made you feel better.
You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to his lips, giggling when you felt him smile into it.

You pulled away to see he was blushing a little bit, "I'll take that as a yes?"

"I suppose," you said with a sly expression.

He immediately jumped on top of you, making you erupt with giggles as he placed kisses all over your face and neck.

"I love you Keith," you said happily.

He placed a quick kiss on your nose, "I love you more, (y/n)."

I honestly love writing these, hope you guys like reading them💓

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