Chapter 6 : Orochimaru's Lair

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Hiroyuki's pov

It's been 3 days since I've left the rain hideout and travel back to Orochimaru's hideout. I just finished unpacking my things to be tackled with a back hug. "You really take too much time" He whisper.

I turn my head to clearly see his face. I poked his forehead "Missed me that bad already?" I ask. He just smirk and lean his face towards mine "So bad that I might gone insane" He said. I rolled my eye and give him a brief kiss on his lips. "That's all you get for tonight" I said and push him off.

"Aw. WHY?! Is it wrong that I missed you too much?" He whined. "Because I'm TIRED" I stated and start to take off my coat and change my outfit. He just jumped onto my bed and face the wall.

I get into the bed beside him and lean my lip closer to his ear "Are you angry?" I ask. He just keep on ignoring me. But I know that he's not asleep, yet.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, maybe next time." I whispered before giving a quick peck on his neck's crook. For the first second of touch, he tense. And another second he relaxed. After that, I turn my head to the other side.

I felt the shift of the bed from Sasuke's part. He put his arms around my hips and pull me closer to him. His slow pace breath is tickling my neck. "Good Night my Sasuke" I softly said. After satisfied of his 'hn', I found myself driven to a deep slumber sleep.

- Time Skip The Next–

Knock Knock

I get up from the bed to find that Sasuke is still asleep. I open the door to find Kabuto is the one who've knocked on my door. "What?" I ask. "Lord Orochimaru will be training you first then Sasuke later. And then both of you the day after tomorrow, since that's the last day you're here. And we'll be going away for a while" He said. I just hned and slamed the door right on his face.

"What's going on?" Sasuke ask as he just wake from his sleep. "Just Kabuto. I'm going to train for first then you, and we together for the day after tomorrow. Since it's the last day I'm here. And they both are going for awhile tomorrow" I said as I start to change my outfit. "I don't want you to go" He shouted to the pillow.

"I'm not leaving, yet." I replied as I start feeding Koa and let him to rest for the day. "See you later" I pecked his cheek and went out of my room. I really need to squeeze out his knowledge before the agreement is done.

I enter a large clearing that have maybe thousand of useless speciments that's needed to be cleard. "For today, try to use no weapon" Orochimaru said as he walk from the other side of the upper level. I nod and left my katana by his feet before making my way down to the speciments.

After arriving by the center of the speciments, I start to count down from 10 to one. 10... 9...8.. "What are you doing here hottie?" One of those guys asked. 7... 6... 5... " You deaf?" Another ask. 4... 3... " You Ignorant Bitch?!" The other guy shouted.

2... 1. I came up to the guy that called me earlier and snapped his head, killing him in process. "You Bit-" Before the other could finish, I pulled a knife from his own pocket and slit his throat. Other guys from surround me start to rush towards me with kunais, even swords.

- Few Minutes Later –

"P-please... I b-beg for... M-mercy" The last guy standing said. I wipe away the blood that stained my hair. "Ugh. Now I need to wash my hair, again." I said before stab his heart with the kunai in my hand.

Some clapping is heard through out the bloody ground. "As I expected from you.. Hiroyuki" Orochimaru hissed. "Is there anymore that you can train me for?" I drop the now bloody kunai to the floor. "I'm afraid not. After all, in a few days, you're going to get back to the Akatsuki" He said.

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