Chapter 13 : W-What?!

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Yamato's pov.

"I don't care that you hired even the strongest shinobi of the leaf or not, what I do care is the fact that this all happens because of You! And I don't want people to assume that it's all MY fault because of your STUPID decision" she huffed as Koa start to lick her hand. "Wait, what do you meant by that?" I chirped in. "Hatake-san is the one who set up all those barrier few years ago" explained lord Chiriku.

"What?!" "What kind of barier do you set that are easily broke by robbers?!" Shout Sakura. "As what I said just few seconds ago, I don't want people to assume that it's all MY fault because of HIS STUPID decision to place Just an A-rank barrier ALONE for these valuable corpse" by now, Hiro's dog is standing on all four and bare his teeth at Sakura.


Hiroyuki's pov.

Just as soon as both, me and Sora, enter the cave, "do you forget that in battle, anger will either boast you Or destroy you. And you're the type who'll be dead first, or you don't understand what I've been teaching you?" "You don't understand!" He start to throw jutsu at me. "What do I Don't understand Sora?!" I dodge his attacks while getting closer towards him. "You don't understand EVERYTHING!" he screams and soon we engage into taijutsu.

"If I don't, then TELL ME!" I caught both of his arms and start to twist them apart from each other.

Stop it, child. You scared him.

He look at me with a scared look plastered on his face. With his clear dark eye, I could even see my own reflection. Furry wolf-like ear and a pair of red blazing sharingan.

I shift back to normal and turn my sharingan off before letting go of his arm. "Destroy some boulders and calm yourself down. I don't want to talk to an angry blinded Sora." He continues to destroy boulders while I enter a secret room and getting ready for the next war (I hope not). "I'm resting for a while, so wake me up when something happen, kay koa?" He take a comfortable seat right infront of the room.

Just as I start to sleep, Koa wake me up. "Ugh. Bad timing Koa" I said. He drag me out instead of just barking like any normal dog. "Alright, I'm up. What's up?" I hop unto his shoulder as both of us glide through the forest. Just before I touch the temple ground, my clone's memory hit me hard.

There's only 1 thing that I want to do right now. Punch that jerk's face hard and burry him alive in a huge tomb that are decorated with neon lights and also a sign that says 'Steal me, Please'. "


Tsunade's pov.

"Lady Tsunade, it seems that all of the 4 tomb have been violated" said Shizune. "Well, what is our status?" Please tell me that we have back ups... "Team Kakashi is on its way now" "I see. Yamato sent me a message that this is no ordinary tomb robbers, seems he was right. Most likely they're after what is within the tombs. The guardian of shinobi 12."

"I have a bad feeling about this my lady. This attack, the rumor, the akatsuki stepping up their efforts, and the signs that orochimaru is loose and hiding again, and of course-" "You mean Danzo?"

"Yes. I wonder if its wise of keeping Sai on team Kakashi. And the way that he agreed on it so easily without any objections doesn't feels right. Also, the rumor are spreading like a wildfire. Now, it's all around the village."

What to do...

What to do.....

There are too many troubles to solve

We can't solve all of it now, can we?

"Let's finish the one closest to home"

"I don't understand" she said. "Shizune, everyone who's not aligned with the foundation are set to keep an eye on Danzo. Next, send a team to scout over the land." "Yes milady!" We have no more time, do we?

-Back with the other group-

Yamato's pov.

"Shiriku, why are we going in this direction? This isn't where the tombs are hidden"I ask. 

"Those coffins that the thieves carry are not empty, they'll be heavy. The fire temple are surrounded on three sides by cliff. The Blue Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Turtle Snake. Their only possible way out is through the Red Phoenix what you call South" he answer.

"Yes I see. But, Why won't Hiroyuki come with us?" I ask him purely out of curiosity.

"I believe that she have something in mind" he calmly answer as all of us jump through the dense forest.

"What is it? Why are you staring like that?" Sora's question cut the silence of all of us. "How... do you know Hiroyuki? Does she also know about your revenge?" Naruto ask. The conversation doesn't continue much longer because Sora just silently scoff and took off ahead of him. I'm pretty sure by now that Hiroyuki is a taboo topic for this whole team after I take a glance behind me and I find everyone start to look slightly gloomy.

Not long after we exit the forest, we come into contact with 3 main suspects.

Hiroyuki's pov.

I sense it.

Oh no. I must be late.

Quick, child.

I summon Alexis and fly with him above the newly formed labyrinth. "W-what?! What's going on here?" he half-whisper as both of us circle above it. "pssst... Lower your voice down. You better camouflage yourself with the night sky" "Check." "Then, SHUT UP"


First off,

I'm really sorry and thankful for all of you guys and girls who've been patiently waiting for the update of this book.





I still can't promise y'all for fast updates, 



I'll try to make as much draft as possible for the next 1 or 2 months from now.

And again, I'm really sorry for this inconvenient.

So, don't panic if I show no signs whatsoever for the next 2 or so months.

Thanks for y'all who could relate.


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~Ja ne!!

-Author N

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