Chapter 1 : Gaara

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A new chapter to read!!



Hope ya enjoy!               

Hiroyuki's pov

"Where's your sweet little followers Saso-kun?" I asked in a mocking tone. We three keep on walking towards the entrance. A guy, I presume is his puppet, Kneel before Sasori. "Ah. So you remember me... Yura" Sasori said. "Why would I not lord Sasori" The man said.

We three walk and the village is now seen. "You can now watch Sasori-danna. And Yuki-chan, what about you?" He asked. I just stroke Koa's fur "He's all yours. I'll just wait here with sasori, deidei" I said and sit on the ground.

Deidara set his clay of bird on the ground and jump on top of it. "Beautiful isn't it Sasori-danna, Yuki-chan" He smirked. I just rolled my eye "Just don't keep we waiting deidara." Sasori said.

He fly up in the sky. Now it's just me and Sasori. "Hey nii-san, I've got something to take care" I said and taped Koa's shoulder. He stand from his sitting state. "Make it quick" Sasori said. I just nod and teleported both me and Koa way.

Gaara's pov

It's a peaceful evening. I could  feel Hiroyuki's chakra signature. "It's time isn't it" I said. "Hn" She said as she take a seat infront of my desk. "Hope we meet again" I stand from my chair and walk towards the door. As I'm about to open the door, "... I'm sorry Gaara" She softly said.

I turn my head to face her again, even if it's her back. "I know that it can't be help. But you're not in place to apologize. I know you have reasons. And when everything is finish, that's when I'll thank for all you've done for me... for these past years" I said and leave her in my office.

-Flash Back-

There's a gust of wind blew into my office. "What do you want?" I grunted as the shadow figure walk out of the corner of my office. "I'm just here to remind you. Be prepared for what's going to come in the next few years" She said and she left just like how she came. It's the first time she meet me in person. And since then, she've been visiting me for just a cup of tea or a scroll.

"Hey Gaara" She swing a kunai in her hand. "What?" I asked as I still doing my paperworks. "I'm going to be training under Orochimaru for 9 months" She said. I just sighed and put down my papers. "When will you come back?" I asked. "Not as frequent as now. But I'll make sure to send letters" She said and left me again.

-Flash Back Ends-

That's the last time I saw her at my office before now. I just hope that we could catch up abit after this. I wait at the rooftop of the Kazekage's building. The man who send bombs, the one who started this ruccus, jumped down from a bird who's flying around the village and stand before me.

"Tell me, how do you know that I'm the intruder?" The blond hair who's flying on the bird asked. "There are no birds like that who went into desert" I said. It's actually because of Hiroyuki. Without her I won't know that you arrived. I thought.

Kankuro's pov

"Well, how do this intruder get into the village? I thought captain Yura is supposed to tightened the security" I asked to one of the guard. "Y-yes. The strange part is we can't locate the location of captain Yura anywhere." He replied. "What did you say?" I asked.

I rush to Gaara's office. "Gaara you in there?" I opened his door. The only thing I could see is a huge husky with a hooded person sitting on the chair infront of Gaara's desk and sipping a cup of tea. "Kankurou... Don't do anything. You're just getting in the way" She said. Hiroyuki?

"Kankuro. The kazekage is fighting above the village with the intruder." One of the guard reported. I turned my head back to see that the hooded figure is no longer there, leaving the still hot steam tea.

There's boms exploding on the air. Gaara protect himself inside a ball of sand. Gaara use sand prison and caught the intruder. But the intruder bombed it's way out and is now chased by Gaara's sand.

Hiroyuki's pov

After watching Gaara and Deidei's battle, I get back to the meeting point. "Where's deidara?" He asked. "He's still enjoying his battle so much" I said as I rolled my eye. "They're sending back ups. Your que?" I asked Sasori. He just nod.

I bite my thumb and summoned Lexis. "I'll leave Koa then" I say. "I hate waiting" Sasori tried to keep his sound calm, where I know that he's just can't wait to get out of that puppet of his.

Lexis's wings is open wide and fly above the village. Deidara have just finished his last move, and Gaara's ultimate sand defence is breaking down. Deidei's left arm is crushed into bites. I stop behind deidei "I got the jinchuriki. Just meet Sasori. You know how he hated waiting" I said and give him a bried nod before flying towards Gaara who's using his last bit of strength to move the sands out of the village.

Arrows and any other attacks is thrown towards Deidara. But they seems to haven't figure me out. Since Lexis's fur is black, it blends perfectly. Deidara seems to be having problem and haven't realise that Gaara's falling down.

I swiftly scoup Gaara's body and put it on Lexis's shoulder. "You've done great Gaara. There's no one who's injured besides you. You can take a rest now. Just have faith with Naruto and your people" I whisper to Gaara and he just slightly nod and closed his eye.

Me and Deidei arrived back at the meeting point with Sasori. "You're late deidara" He grunted. Koa just wiggled his tail and circling me around few times. You're the best Koa. I thought.

As expected, Sasori isn't even mad with me since Koa's little ball of cuteness. I don't know why but Sasori've been a soft heart infront of Koa.

"This one is harder than you think" Deidara said as he avoided Sasori's tail. "Let's just go guys. Back ups is coming" I said and take the lead. With deidara behind me and Sasori the last.

After walking few feet away, a loud sound of bomb going off. "You done your part yet Yuki-chan?" Sasori asked. I just hn-ed and we three went to our destination. I just hope that Kankurou or whoever it is could get see through my genjutsu.

-Time Skip until Morning-

I could feel that Kankurou is following us in much faster pace. Last night, it seems to be miles away, but now. He's catching up with us. "We've got company" I said and keep on going with slow pace. "Hand over Gaara right now" Kankurou shouted.

"Aw. The kitty is wanting his toy back. Haven't I told you that you're just in the way" I said to him in a mocking tone. "You two just went on ahead. I'll finish him quick. I hate waiting" Sasori turned his back and face Kankurou.

I pouted "You guys don't even giving me a chance. You know that I'm also a puppeteer right Sori-senpai" I teased him. "Just go" Sasori said it bluntly and me and deidei start to walk ahead.

"Not going to happen" Kankurou summoned three of his puppets. "Hey Sori-senpai, can I test my new puppet on him?" I asked. He just grunted. "Make it quick" He said. I jump down from Lexis and stand infront of Sasori. "Good luck. You'll just going to need it" I said before summoning my own puppet.

For 3 months of training with Sasori and Deidara, I'm trained by sasori of puppets and how to make a puppet and also explosions with Deidara. I'm currently making 3 new puppets, one which I left in Orochimaru's hideout, two other is what I'm going to test.


A new chapter in less than a week!!

Hope you all get excited for the next chapter!

Cos I am.





Ja ne~

-Author N

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