Late Night Confessions Loki X F!Reader[Clean]

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Late Night Confessions Loki X F!Reader [Clean]

Reader's POV

As I was making my way down the hall, I realized something. I was going to see Loki today! Was I excited about it? None the least. I'm actually angry at him at the moment, all he does is rant about world domination. Like Hello? No one cares anymore.

Plus that stuff is getting old, by the second.

I snap out of my daily mental-rant session and I stand outside of the mini prison cell that contained no one other than Loki Laufeyson the God of Mischief and Lies himself.

I'm so mad at him I don't even think it's time for me to with in 300 feet of him.

"Hello...Y/N." He said coldly.

"What did you request me for? And why did they listen?" I asked.

"Hm...why can't you just visit on a daily know like you used to." He said.

"Look, I don't feel like you running these little mind games. Why did you request me in your presence?" I asked.

"We are not on Asgard..mortal." He looked away from me, facing the wall.

After a brief five minutes, he turned away from the wall to face me, "Answer my question, why don't you visit on a daily basis like you used to?"

"Why do you want to see me on a daily basis?" I asked.


That's all that was around us, just nothing but silence.

"Did I break you?" I asked, smirking of course.

"Most definitely not...I had to think about that." He said.

"This is the first time you have ever admitted to thinking about a question that I asked you. Why do you even want to see me?" I looked at him.

He sighed and looked at me,"Y/N you mean something to me." He looked away.

"I can tell you are not lying, you kept eye contact the entire time." I said.

"Oh course I mean it...," He started,"Would you ever think...that I would lie to you?" He asked.

"Well...uh.." I looked down.

"I cannot believe you, I thought you trusted me well enough." He said.

"Your Loki." I said.

"I know good and well who I am. Just because I am the God of Mischief and Lies, does not mean that I would lie to someone who means so much to me." He said and turned back to his wall.

"Just go." He said.

"Love you too." I grumbled before leaving.

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