Treat You Better Steve x F!Reader [Clean] Part Two

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You nodded and looked at Jack straight in the eyes. "Why my best friend really?"

He looked at you. "If you would shut up so I can explain!"

You looked at him with a blank stare and started talking again. "Get your hands out of my face, don't tell me to shut up, and I'm leaving. I'll get my things now so I won't have to see your ugly ass and Veronica in the morning."

You walked past him and Veronica as she started talking about having second thoughts and everything and she decided to just leave.

Mayen she shouldn't have went home with him in the first place. You scoffed when he stood in the doorway blocking your path.

"Get out of my way." You said emotionless.

"You aren't going anywhere. Plus you have no where to go." He said.

"After you cheated on me with my best friend. If you cheated on me couldn't you have at least done it with someone pretty?" I asked and pushed him out the way after he was caught off guard. "Your really not a smart person." You left him confused as he tried to catch up with you.

"I'm sorry?" He said more like a question.

"No, if you knew your were at least going to pretend like your sorry and have me walk out the door and your life you wouldn't have done it in the first place." You said and walked out making sure to slam the door.

You had many places to go. You just didn't know where to.

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